Monday, August 20, 2012

Why Do Men And Women Have Different Drug And Alcoholism ...

Have you ever thought for a while why men and women differ in treatment of alcoholism and drug abuse? Majority of individuals believed that both genders have similar techniques and procedures when it comes to alcoholism and drug treatment but they are wrong because treatment procedures vary significantly according to health conditions, gender and situations. Much more, both genders respond differently when it comes to treating alcohol abuse, therefore no single treatment or addiction rehabilitation is ideal for all alcoholics and drug addicts.

Because of this reason, several drug and alcoholism rehab centers formulated individualized and gender-based programs. These health facilities also affirmed the efficacy of gender specific treatment programs due to the fact that men and women abused these substances for diverse reasons.

What is alcohol and drug addiction?

Drug and alcohol addiction are severe and relapsing brain diseases associated with the compulsive use and craving for alcoholic beverages and drugs despite knowing the harmful effects associated with it. Since it changes the state of a person's brain, it totally affects its total structure and functionalities. If left untreated, it can lead to permanent brain damage and diseases that can last their lifetime or shortened their lives by several folds.

Effects of alcohol and drug addiction

Scientists study the effects of these substances on men and women and they found that alcohol and drug addiction affect not only alcoholics and addicts but also their families, friends and communities. It has long-term damage to individuals who reacted, helped and assisted alcoholics and addicts. Despite their efforts to help them, they failed and felt powerless to amend the situation.

When pregnant women ingest alcoholic beverages or drugs, they are not only damaging to their health and their lives, but they also damaged the health and lives of babies inside their wombs. Most alcoholic and drug addict pregnant women do not realized the detrimental effects of their addictive behaviors. Most often, they only realize the harmful effects when babies are born with congenital problems but it is already too late for them to make amends and to reverse the damages done. Usually, babies born under drug addict mothers are underweight, premature and have psychological and intellectual problems.

The level and severity of drug and alcohol addiction vary from person to person because some individuals are not as addictive as other people. Their addictive behaviors not only affect their health and well beings but other people are also affected by it. Some of the causative factors of addiction include social situation, personal relationships, quality of work life and home life.

Usually, it is very easy for them to have a taste on alcohol drinks or drugs but difficult for them to stop ingesting especially when taken regularly and in excess amounts. Because of the harmful effects on individuals, it is best to seek addiction rehabilitation.

Joey Young and colleagues are writers on topics about substance abuse prevention. You can rehabilitation/addiction interventions help/click here.


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