Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Managing Change ? Finding the way

Just what is ?Change Management?? ?And why, as a small business person, sole proprietor, artist or consultant ? should I bother about managing change?

Let?s start with what it is. ?One definition of Change Management is?the process of developing a planned approach to change in an organization. Typically the objective is to maximize the collective benefits for all people involved in the change and minimize the risk of failure of implementing the change.

So why bother trying to manage change in your business? ?I know, you manage the whole shebang, you roll with the punches and you call the shots? but you are still subject to the whims of the regulations out there, and you are still a growing and evolving business (at least I hope so) ? so external forces will force change upon you sooner or later. ?Whether it is a new tax law, sudden audit, or the need to upgrade your tech ? change happens.

There are numerous tools for Change Management ? you can find materials at CorporateTrainingMaterials.com?and multiple sites which offer articles and processes for your use. ?You can find them easily enough in your search engine (like Google or Bing) by searching on ?articles on change in business?.

I think that the major thing to bear in mind with Change Management is that it requires that you consider the change and its affects and ramifications prior to launching the change.

In other words, think before leaping.

And most of the small businesses I have seen, have been at one extreme or the other ? paralyzed into no change or leaping helter skelter with little regard for the results of the changes.

I recommend aiming for the middle ground. :-) All things in moderation.

Consider what the change is before you initiate it, but don?t over think it.

And remember to trust your gut.


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Source: http://serroc.com/2012/03/04/managing-change/

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