Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Network Marketing Home Based Business

Successful communication with MLM business prospects is more than just what you say. While training thousands of people in my MLM downline I discovered what prospects respond to positively. This article describes what works best. Ever wonder what you look like from someone else's perspective?It really is an interesting thing to ponder. Several times when I have been doing some MLM training, specifically communication training, with someone in my network marketing business, I've had to show them with a mirror what their face looks like.The very second they see themselves in the mirror they immediately CHANGE THEIR FACIAL EXPRESSION. What do they change it to? The way they think they look to their MLM business prospects. Very often how they look versus how they think they look is very different.If you're one of those who love to people watch, the funniest people-watching situation is when you can sit near a mirror and watch people...look at themselves. It certainly would have made a great Candid Camera skit. The reason I bring this up is that there is a group of characteristics an MLM business professional must have in order to truly have success in speaking with prospects. I call these characteristics the 10 Communication Qualities. Once you're fully knowledgeable about these qualities and have the proper and correct MLM training to learn them, you will be amazed at how much smoother conversations will go with your prospects. The third quality on my list is to "have a sincere friendly facial expression." This third quality means when you're talking with your prospect, have comfortable eye contact with a sincere, friendly facial expression. If you are familiar with the other Communication Qualities, this should make completely logical sense to you. See, if you are truly interested in your prospect (1st quality) and you're not distracted by anything in the environment (2nd quality) this also includes not being distracted by what's going on INSIDE OF YOU - therefore because you are just simply interested in your prospect you can't help but have a sincere friendly facial expression. Oh sure, as your prospect talks your facial expression will change slightly based on what they're telling you - but it will always revert back to SINCERE and FRIENDLY. What stops a person from having this desired facial expression? The number one reason is fear. As the distributor talks with their prospect they're fearful of how the prospect will react to their MLM business...so their face (if they were to look in a mirror) would have the look of fear or concern. This concerned or worried look is describing what is going on in their head! Your facial expression expresses what you're thinking. The second thing that stops a person from having this desired facial expression is that they've been given some lame advice about mirroring and matching every move their prospect makes. Or, the advice that you should always maintain eye contact and they take this to an extreme and end up boring holes through their prospect which intimidates the prospect. And I should add that you should keep a friendly facial expression even when you're on the phone, calling prospects. Even though they can't see you, your expression carries through your voice and the words you say. Just be comfortable with your prospect and maintain comfortable eye contact with a sincere, friendly facial expression.

Frequently Asked Questions

    Would you recommend to start my home based business through network marketing?
    I'd like to get your opnion what's the advantages and disadvantages going into this type of business.

    The type of business is 100% certified organic coffee and other organic products. Sign up is very minimal.
    thank you.

    Is there a reputable "Home Based Business"/network marketing/direct sales type company with a stable history..
    that is specifically geared toward the hispanic population? Or that has all the literature available in the Spanish language? I'm looking for something legitimate, not something with a "miracle product" that has "results not typical" in small print.

    • ANSWER:
      yes there are some like http://www.amway.com and http://www.marykay.com etc and for further details you can log on to


    I am doing home based e-commerce network marketing business in india for a hong kong based company.?
    I get weekly commissions from Hong Kong in US Dollars which are credited into my trading account(not bank account) with company. I access this trading account and convert my accumulated us dollar into online electronic cards which is used for internet payment.. Suppose I have 1000 us dollars in my trading account at Hong Kong then I convert it into virtual Electronic Card of 1000 US Dollar. Now when I do business in india by selling any product to customer I collect cash from customer and make the payment online for the product using this Online Electronic Card. So my commission in US Dollar gets converted into CASH (Indian Rupees). Is this system of getting commission legal in India ? Do I need to pay any tax(Income Tax or Sales Tax / Vat / Service Tax) on this commission in India ? If I need to pay tax then what is the process and what are the documents required as proof of income ?

    • ANSWER:
      Without a doubt you will have to pay sometime as soon as the Indian Tax inspector get hold of you. If you are in the Internet Business and if you can do the same job somewhere else, it would be much better to do the job in different countries for several a month at a time to avoid such hassle! But you should really consult tax experts in your country you are doing business.

Source: http://visalus.askjosegarcia.com/2985/network-marketing-home-based-business/

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