Staff Report
GPS Faith Community, in partnership with the Winnebago County Health Department (WCHD), is offering a seven-week Quit Smoking Class beginning Tuesday, Nov. 20.
The class will be at GPS Faith Community, 10714 N. Second St., Machesney Park, Ill., from 3:30 to 5 p.m. There is no cost for this class, but enrollment is limited and preregistration is required.
To register or to request more information, contact the WCHD Tobacco Programs coordinator at (815) 720-4269 or e-mail
This seven-session stop smoking program is based on proven and effective behavior modification techniques and cognitive behavioral therapy strategies. The program is taught by public health professionals with years of experience in providing tobacco cessation programs.
The program is unique because it is highly structured, focuses on changing behavior and teaches maintenance. It is based on the premise that smoking is a learned habit. Quitting is a process during which individuals must consciously unlearn the habitual behaviors and substitute healthy alternative behaviors.
The program offers participants a step-by-step plan for quitting smoking. The small-group format allows participants to work through the process and difficulties of quitting together. Group interaction, encouragement and positive support are key components of the program.
Nicotine replacement and other drug therapies (patches, gum, lozenges, Chantix, etc.) will be discussed. With assistance from the Illinois Department of Public Health and the Illinois Tobacco Quitline, the program will also offer low-cost, over-the-counter (OTC) drug therapies and can provide six to eight weeks of NRT products for a small co-pay. For those unable to pay for these products, financial assistance is available.
From the Nov. 14-20, 2012, issue

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