Thursday, November 29, 2012

HealthTap Buys Avvo's Health Business, Looks To Become The Go ...

Instead of anxiously searching Google or WebMD, people would rather turn to a real human being for answers to their pressing health questions ? preferably one who?s been to school for 10 years. The problem is, of course, that visits to the doctor?s office cost money. Plus, you need an appointment and you?ll probably sit in a waiting room. Wellsphere?s Ron Gutman founded HealthTap in 2010 to give anyone and everyone the opportunity to consult with human doctors in realtime, for free.

But the real, big picture goal, the HealthTap founder says, is to become the go-to resource for reliable health information ? a mission that has led to the development of a searchable doctor directory (complete with ratings, peer-reviews and direct booking) alongside its HIPAA-secure Q&A offering. With plenty of cash in the bank, HealthTap has been looking for ways to expand its knowledge network and is doing so today by making its first acquisition.

HealthTap announced this morning that it has acquired Avvo Health in an all-cash deal. While the specific terms of the deal weren?t revealed, Avvo will be turning over all assets of its health business to they buyer and will be shutting down its health vertical beginning today.

For those unfamiliar, Avvo is a Benchmark-backed Q&A portal and ranking service that initially focused exclusively on lawyers. In 2010, it expanded to include doctors, offering a ratings directory for 90 percent of the doctors in the U.S. along with profiles that include information on their education, residencies, board certification, etc.

Like HealthTap, Avvo?s Health service also included a Q&A service in which users can ask anonymous questions of its network of physicians, as well as a library of health guides covering a host of topics.

But more recently, Avvo has been looking to get back to its core competency and move out of the health business altogether, making it an attractive acquisition candidate. By scooping up Avvo Health, HealthTap has expanded its Medical Expert Network to more than 30K licensed U.S. doctors and dentists, broadening local coverage to all 50 states in 128 specialties ? along with hundreds of additional group practices and hospitals.

The acquisition is a win for both companies, giving Avvo some extra cash with which to continue growing its legal business, in turn allowing a company that?s on the rise (and actually focuses on health) to quickly add depth to its information network. Plus, HealthTap?s dentist directory has been pretty bare-bones up to this point, making Avvo?s comparative strength in this area particularly appealing.

As a result of the acquisition, HealthTap now counts 1.2 million doctors and dentists in its network, making it one of the largest mobile physician directories and Q&A portals on the Web. The startup has raised $14 million in venture capital to date from Eric Schmidt?s Innovation Endeavors, Mohr Davidow, Mayfield Fund, Esther Dyson and Aaron Patzer.

Avvo offers an expert only medical and legal Q&A forum where people can ask questions - anonymously if need be - and receive answers from rated doctors and lawyers in their area. The Q&A forum is backed by a professional directory which features comprehensive profiles, disciplinary records, patient and client reviews and peer endorsements; as well as the unbiased Avvo Rating for more than 90% of practicing doctors and lawyers in the U.S. The Avvo Rating is an editorial...

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HealthTap is a pioneer in the new field of interactive health and a network that connects users with over 15,000 of the best U.S.-licensed physicians, providing quick answers to health questions ? anytime, anywhere and for free. HealthTap?s free web and mobile applications enable 24/7 access to personalized, relevant and trusted health information from thousands of leading doctors, helping people find the best care and make better decisions about their health and well-being. Users on HealthTap can get rapid, succinct...

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worldbeatCanada radio podcast for November 30, 2012 with Sanjay ...

Some music festivals are reeling from loss of funding. ?Where will we hear the new music? ?Start with worldbeatCanada radio. This week Cal chats with Sanjay from Delhi 2 Dublin about their new project, Turn Up The Stereo.


Listen to this week?s worldbeatCanada radio podcast with fresh ears at the player here, or at the website,?here. Or, get the show at the?iTunes?store. And on?Mixcloud.

Hear these artists, and visit their websites by clicking on their names in the list below.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Your Health and Fitness Quesions Answered - Week 5/6 | Rocofit ...

Your Health and Fitness Quesions Answered ? Week 5/6

Quesions 56 Your Health and Fitness Quesions Answered   Week 5/6Your health and fitness questions answered by me every Monday for 6 weeks. Here is week 5 of 6.

This week I had some more amazing questions to answer.

1. What snacks to you eat when you know you won?t have time for a proper meal?

2. What is the best approach to eliminating wheat and sugar?

3. How do you get rid of back fat?

Here are my responses. Feel free to comment below if you have more questions or would like to add to the responses.

Remember to join our Facebook page for a fun community and a daily health and fitness support.

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Moral evaluations of harm are instant and emotional

ScienceDaily (Nov. 28, 2012) ? People are able to detect, within a split second, if a hurtful action they are witnessing is intentional or accidental, new research on the brain at the University of Chicago shows.

The study is the first to explain how the brain is hard-wired to recognize when another person is being intentionally harmed. It also provides new insights into how such recognition is connected with emotion and morality, said lead author Jean Decety, the Irving B. Harris Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at UChicago.

"Our data strongly support the notion that determining intentionality is the first step in moral computations," said Decety, who conducted research on the topic with Stephanie Cacioppo, a research associate (assistant professor) in psychology at UChicago. They published the results in a paper, "The Speed of Morality: A High-Density Electrical Neurological Study," to be published Dec. 1 and now on early preview in the Journal of Neurophysiology.

The researchers studied adults who watched videos of people who suffered accidental harm (such as being hit with a golf club) and intentional harm (such as being struck with a baseball bat). While watching the videos, brain activity was collected with equipment that accurately maps responses in different regions of the brain and importantly, the timing between these regions. The technique is known as high-density, event-related potentials technology.

The intentional harm sequence produced a response in the brain almost instantly. The study showed that within 60 milliseconds, the right posterior superior temporal sulcus (also known as TPJ area), located in the back of the brain, was first activated, with different activity depending on whether the harm was intentional or accidental. It was followed in quick succession by the amygdala, often linked with emotion, and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (180 milliseconds), the portion of the brain that plays a critical role in moral decision-making.

There was no such response in the amygdala and ventromedial prefrontal cortex when the harm was accidental.

Other studies with functional MRI scans, including those in Decety's lab, have shown that those areas of the brain become activated when people see others intentionally harmed, but those studies have been unable to separate or time the way the various parts of the brain may work together.

"High-density ERPs can identify spatio-temporal patterns of communication between regions that contrast analyses (such as fMRI) with low temporal resolution may not detect, and such methods are necessary to advance knowledge of neuroscience of morality," said Cacioppo.

The ability to recognize and respond emotionally to the intentional infliction of harm is a critical source of morality that is universal across cultures, researchers believe. "It is part of humans' evolutionary heritage," Decety said. "The long history of mammalian evolution has shaped our brains to be sensitive to signs of suffering of others. And this constitutes a natural foundation for morality and sensitivity to justice."

Philosophers have debated the origins of this moral response for ages. Some maintain that moral judgments begin with an immediate aversive reaction to perceived or imagined harm to victims, though the full moral judgment may form only after the fact. Other philosophers maintain that moral principals develop from reason alone and are not connected to emotion.

The new research suggests that emotion and the perception of intentionality, rather than deliberate reasoning, comprise the vital first component of moral responses -- at least for responses that stem from care for others Decety said.

The research may help inform other areas of neurodevelopment research, including studies of the moral responses of psychopaths and of children who lack empathy for others, displaying what are called callous-unemotional traits.

The National Science Foundation and the Swiss National Science Foundation supported the research.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Chicago. The original article was written by William Harms.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. J. Decety, S. Cacioppo. The speed of morality: a high-density electrical neuroimaging study. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2012; DOI: 10.1152/jn.00473.2012

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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To avoid fiscal cliff, Obama and GOP should compromise like Founding Fathers

Looming weeks away is America?s ?fiscal cliff.? President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner are both optimistic that a deal on spending cuts and taxes can be reached. But Erskine Bowles, co-chair of the former bipartisan deficit commission, says there?s only a one-third chance Washington will reach an agreement in time to avoid the fiscal precipice.

What Washington seems to have forgotten is that America was established by men who disagreed sorely, but created a government founded on the philosophy that varying views could be coalesced for the common good. As challenging as these modern issues are, consider the questions grappled with by the 55 delegates at the Constitutional Convention of 1787.

OPINION: 6 ways to avoid the 'fiscal cliff'

The delegates were faced with deciding the composition of the House and Senate, the method of electing the president, the structure and jurisdiction of the federal courts, and whether to count slaves for the purpose of representation and taxation. They had to agree on a tariff policy, the slave trade, the assumption of state debts, the admission of new states, the procedure for amending the Constitution, the control of the militia, and restrictions upon the states, and general relationship of the national and state governments.

While a majority quickly decided that the Articles of Confederation (the precursor agreement to the Constitution) needed to be replaced by a new document that ensured a stronger national government. But there were conflicting opinions over how the new government should look. This was to be expected given the divergent economic and geographic circumstances of the states the delegates represented. On many of these issues, a resolution came only after a long and bitter debate. The Constitution was born only after a series of imaginative compromises were agreed upon.

Take for example, the Three-Fifths Compromise. At the insistence of delegates from southern states, Congress was denied the power to limit the slave trade for a minimum of 20 years, and slaves ? although denied the vote and not recognized as citizens by those states ? were allowed to be counted as 3/5 persons for the purpose of apportioning representatives and determining presidential electoral votes.

Most important, perhaps, delegates compromised on the thorny issue of apportioning members of Congress, an issue that had bitterly divided the larger and smaller states. The small states wanted each state to have the same number of representatives, and the large states wanted representation determined by population. Under a plan put forward by delegate Roger Sherman of Connecticut (known as the Connecticut Compromise), representation in the House of Representatives would be based on population, while each state would be guaranteed an equal two senators in the new Senate.

Although the delegates at the 1787 Convention faced an arduous challenge, the document they drafted continues to be the foundation of American government and political thought to this day. Compromise worked then, and it can work now.

Shortly after the work of the convention was completed, Thomas Jefferson penned a letter on the importance of compromise: ?It is necessary to give as well as take in a government like ours." And in another piece of correspondence, he echoed: "I see the necessity of sacrificing our opinions sometimes to the opinions of others for the sake of harmony.?

Earlier, on Sept. 17, 1787, the final day of the convention, Benjamin Franklin delivered a remarkable closing address to the proceedings. Biographer Walter Isaacson tells us that Franklin?s speech is ?perhaps the best ever written by anyone about the magic of the American system and the spirit of compromise that created it.?

?Mr. President,? Franklin begins, ?I confess that I do not entirely approve this Constitution at present; but sir, I am not sure I shall never approve it: For, having lived long, I have experienced many instances of being obliged, by better information or fuller consideration, to change opinions even on important subjects, which I once thought right, but found to be otherwise. It is therefore that, the older I grow, the more apt I am to doubt my own judgment and to pay more respect to the judgment of others....

?I doubt too, whether any other convention we can obtain may be able to make a better Constitution; for when you assemble a number of men, to have the advantage of their joint wisdom, you inevitably assemble with those men, all their prejudices, their passions, their errors of opinion, their local interests, and their selfish views....The opinions I have had of its errors, I sacrifice to the public good...?

While Franklin put it most eloquently, a number of other delegates were similarly motivated. George Washington, for example, wrote that he ?was ready to have embraced any tolerable compromise that was competent to save us from impending ruin.?

In 1787, as the 13 colonies debated the merits of the proposed Constitution, John Adams told John Jay: ?The public mind cannot be occupied about a nobler object than the proposed plan of government. It appears to be admirably calculated to cement all America in affection and interest as one great nation. A result of accommodation and compromise cannot be supposed perfectly to coincide with any one's ideas of perfection. But all the great principles necessary to order, liberty, and safety are respected in it, and provision is made for correction and amendments as they may be found necessary.?

OPINION: 8 ways to find common ground

Today's lawmakers aren't simply tasked with forging a budget deal. They'll need to make tough decisions on the problems facing this country long after Jan. 1, 2013: the federal debt ceiling, entitlement reform, taxes, health care, unemployment, energy and environment, immigration, and education. The impasses are daunting, but they aren't insurmountable.

Washington should listen to the wisdom of the Founding Fathers for a moment. Our government isn?t broken. We have just momentarily forgotten how the Framers went about creating it.

Stephen W. Stathis served for 38 years as a specialist in American history for the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress. His most recent book is ?Landmark Debates in Congress: From the Declaration of Independence to the War in Iraq.?

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

U.S., Euro Governments Seize 132 Domain Names Selling ...

fake-website-iconFor the third consecutive year, websites selling counterfeit products online have been seized on Cyber Monday, the day generally thought to be the busiest online shopping day of the year.

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced today that 132 domain names have been seized this year in two campaigns known as ?Project Cyber Monday 3? and ?Project Transatlantic.? The latter project refers to the fact that law enforcement agencies in several European countries also took part. The US-based effort nabbed 101 domains, while the European project claimed another 31.

The ICE says that the websites/domains that were seized ?were set up to dupe consumers into unknowingly buying counterfeit goods as part of the holiday shopping season.?

The domain names seized are now in the custody of the governments involved in these operations. Visitors typing those domain names into their Web browsers will now find a banner that notifies them of the seizure and educates them about the federal crime of willful copyright infringement.

The ICE didn?t release the names/URLs of the seized sites, but it said that officials made purchases of products such as jewelry, DVD sets, professional sports jerseys and more from suspected counterfeiters. After the purchases, ICE and its partners asked copyright owners to confirm that the purchased items were fakes.

With this year?s effort, a total of 1,630 domains/websites have been seized since the operation began in June 2010. ICE said today that more domains could be seized in the near future.

(Stock image via Used under license.)

Related Topics: Domaining | Legal: Copyright & Trademark | Legal: General | Top News

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Find Out About Shared Web Hosting Companies - Free Online ...

In these modern times there?s lots of agencies promising low-priced net hosting, but how will you be truly certainly that these low fees for hosting absolutely are a bargain or not. You should think about the next recommendations in making positive that you?re receiving level of quality services despite the fact that paying for affordable online internet hosting.

Never go totally free hosting:

F-r-e-e hosting has somewhat few positive aspects, as a result you quit a lot of these advantages any time you do go along with absolutely free hosting. Of those complimentary internet hosting providers furnish you with internet hosting on an alternate company?s site. This leads to you not gaining genuine domain hosting. This means that your websites are exhibited on someone else?s domain, which makes it hopeless for you personally to promote your web site to your whole. If that exact organisation shuts down it will eventually indicate the finish of home business for your needs as your site will no longer be to choose from far too.

At no cost hosting also would mean you might have an unlimited range of ads with your resource site. Most more often than not the advertisement/s could be within the hosting provider that is definitely delivering you using the at no cost space. Having commercials in your online site commonly turns your users off and you simply will not likely create a sale.

There are many low-budget web site hosting merchants available that provide the very same services as that of your 100 percent free hosting service provider. The only distinction between the cost-effective web hosting small business and also the no cost hosting organization is the previous will invoice you for it but has an absolutely hopeless assistance.

You should definitely create a comparison on the virtual internet hosting deals:

When planning in to shop for less costly web site hosting, invariably make sure that you do a comparison of the real key traits these types of as disc place, bandwidth and also the price. On occasion you may not might need that very much space and bandwidth at the beginning but as your site grows you will need to increase. But bear in mind, most online internet hosting providers presently leave you the choice of expanding when beneficial. Quite often purchasing a package deal which has even more room would probably often be considered a distinction of merely a greenback or two within the introductory bundle.

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Online style are advised to be the top priority:

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Is early adoption a clever social media marketing strategy? Opinsy ...

opinsy early social media adoptionYet another social media platform was launched in October in the continual search for the next Facebook or YouTube. Is it a good idea for business to add a new platform to their social media marketing strategy or to adopt a wait and see policy? has a good pedigree, as it was set up by Ankur Shah, the Brit behind the Techligtenment, a social technology service which was later snapped up by credit agency Experian. is aiming to harness online opinions in one single, and provide a platform for debate. Shah wants the site to become ?YouTube for opinions.? Can become part of a social media marketing strategy?

For businesses, there are no hard and fast rules when considering which platforms to add to your strategy. Early adoption contains a certain element of risk, of course. New platforms come and go, and no business wants to waste time on platforms that are being used by themselves and a couple of techies in Silicon Valley. The advantage is that most new platforms are free for businesses, so the cost is measured in time rather than money. Getting in on the ground level will mean that you have built up considerable experience, collateral and good will by the time the platform goes global. If you are an early adopter, try to get yourself noticed by the developer.

Perhaps the first rule to apply for early adoption and incorporation into your social media marketing strategy is to decide the fit with your organisation and overall internet marketing strategy. For example, realises that creating debate has commercial advantages ? the opinions garnered can drive aspects of your marketing and social media activity. You could also use the platform to market research new products and services, adverts or marketing campaigns, offers or incentives.

Early adoption can mean months of activity with very little response or engagement, but it can pay off. It?s a fact that the most popular platforms in 2022 will NOT be the most popular in 2012 but deciding where the changes will take place will produce plenty of expert ?opinion? and advice.

If you need any help with any aspect of your social media strategy, call us today.

Remember to watch this space as we will be releasing a range of online marketing blogs over the coming months. Our readers can also find our Opace Facebook page at For all the latest goings on, you can keep up-to-date with Opace on Twitter And we also now have an Opace Google+ page live at


Technorati Tags: Internet Marketing, internet marketing strategies, Online Marketing, Opinsy, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Startegy, Web Marketing


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Seattle Police Dept. launches online guide to legal marijuana use ...

The Seattle Police Department has launched a Q-and-A?blog?called ?Marijuwhatnow??to help get the city?s residents ready for December 6, when possession of up to 1 ounce of marijuana for personal use will no longer be illegal. That change comes thanks to a new state law known as Initiative 502.

Not surprisingly, the blog has set new records for readers on the police department?s website. Marijuwhatnow, the website says, is ?a practical guide for what the Seattle Police Department believes I-502 means for you.?

Judging from some of the questions, the future (or present) marijuana users of Seattle want to know some interesting things.

?What happens if I get pulled over and I?m sober,? one questioner asks, ?but an officer or his K9 buddy smells the ounce of Super Skunk I?ve got in my trunk??

?Can I smoke pot outside my home?? another wants to know. ?Like at a park, magic show, or the Bite of Seattle??

I-502 passed by a 10-point margin on Election Day.

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'I'm still an animal, but I've also learned a lot along the way,' singer tells MTV News of her transformation on new album.
By Jocelyn Vena

Photo: Al Pereira


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National Review Demands Death of Iowa Straw Poll by Fakery

Country music titan Dolly Parton is anything but shy.In an exclusive interview with "Nightline," Parton dished about her love life (including those rumors that she is secretly gay), losing a drag queen lookalike contest and building a multimillion-dollar entertainment empire.Watch the full story on "Nightline" tonight at 11:35 p.m. ETIn her long reign as a country music legend, Parton, now 66, has done it all. In her new motivational memoir, "Dream More," which will be released on Nov. 27, Parton talks about growing up dirt poor in Sevierville, Tenn., in a cabin with 11 siblings. ...


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Manning sharp as Broncos beat Chiefs 17-9

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) ? You won't get much argument from Broncos coach John Fox about the value of a solid starting quarterback. You probably won't get much from Chiefs coach Romeo Crennel, either.

Not after they stood on opposing sidelines and watched Peyton Manning go to work.

The four-time MVP was wooed by both franchises when he was cut loose by Indianapolis, but he never gave Kansas City much thought. Instead, he signed with its AFC West rival, and is now putting together one of the best seasons of his career for Denver, all while Kansas City flounders behind the revolving door of Brady Quinn and Matt Cassel.

The difference on Sunday was striking: Manning threw for 285 yards with touchdowns to Jacob Tamme and Demaryius Thomas in a 17-9 victory, the Broncos' sixth straight. Quinn threw for just 126 yards with an interception as Kansas City lost its eighth straight game.

"Peyton Manning is a Hall of Famer," Chiefs linebacker Derrick Johnson said. "We played pretty good as a defense most of the game, but he made a few plays, one or two more plays than we'd like him to make, and he came up with a victory."

It allowed Manning to break a tie with his boss and Broncos vice president John Elway with his 149th win as a starting quarterback, trailing only Brett Favre (186) for most in NFL history.

Naturally, Manning was quick to pass the praise to someone else.

In this case, it was Knowshon Moreno, who ran for 85 yards after stepping into the starting lineup this week after Willis McGahee landed on injured reserve.

"I've got to tip my hat to Knowshon Moreno," Manning said. "He stepped up today and did a heck of a job. Really an impressive effort by him."

Not so much by the Chiefs offense.

Jamaal Charles ran for 107 yards, but the Chiefs (1-10) were done in by penalties, missed opportunities and a conservative approach that has not yielded a touchdown since the first quarter against Pittsburgh on Nov. 12, a span of more than 11 quarters and 173 minutes.

They could only manage field goals by Ryan Succop for the second straight game.

"We struggled a bit against the run, but they're a very good run team," Fox said. "Something we work very hard on is the red area, and holding them to three field goals was a key in the game."

Kansas City actually established an early lead for the third straight game on Succop's first-quarter field goal, and seemed to be outplaying Denver (8-3) the entire first half.

They had a chance to go ahead 10-0 when they faced fourth-and-2 at the Denver 4, but Chiefs coach Romeo Crennel elected to kick another field goal against a team that had scored at least 30 points in five straight games, drawing a chorus of boos from the crowd.

"I thought points on the board were important," Crennel said.

Problem was that touchdowns trump field goals.

On the Broncos' final drive of the half, Manning completed five straight passes before finding Tamme on third-and-goal from the Kansas City 7 with 18 seconds left. The touchdown catch, on which the tight end dragged safety Eric Berry into the end zone, gave the Broncos a 7-6 lead and wiped out all the hard work that Kansas City had put in over the first 25 minutes.

"It was huge to get a touchdown there," Manning said.

Denver's Matt Prater missed his second field goal try of the game early in the third quarter, and Succop's 49-yarder gave Kansas City its first second-half lead of the season.

But once again, a failure to get into the end zone proved fatal.

Manning, who surpassed 3,000 yards passing earlier in the day, rode the legs of Moreno into Chiefs territory, and that's when he lobbed a pass over nickelback Jalil Brown and into the hands of Thomas for the go-ahead, 30-yard touchdown reception late in the third quarter.

"That was a great catch down the sideline against tight coverage," Manning said.

The Chiefs twice had chances to overcome the 14-9 deficit late in the fourth, but they failed to move the ball after taking over at their own 37. After getting it back, Crennel chose to punt on fourth-and-6 at the Broncos 47 after a series of penalties ruined the drive.

It was their last chance to retake the lead.

Denver tacked on a field goal by Prater in the closing seconds, and after Jacksonville held on to beat Tennessee, the Chiefs were left as the league's only one-win team.

"We're frustrated every week. Every time we get a loss, it's frustrating," Charles said. "I don't know when it's going to stop, but hopefully we can did deep down in our souls and find a way to get out of this."

NOTES: Chiefs WR Dexter McCluster (head/neck) and S Kendrick Lewis (shoulder) left the game with injuries. ... Kansas City was 3 for 14 on third downs. ... Chiefs LB Justin Houston had two sacks. ... Broncos LB Von Miller had his 14th sack of the season.


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Friday, November 23, 2012

The Negative Path to Happiness

Listen to Episode 25 of The Afterword:

This episode of The Afterword is brought to you by Audible. Get a free audiobook and 30-day trial today by signing up at

For some reason, trying to be happy often makes us miserable. Knowing this, Guardian writer Oliver Burkeman decided to explore the negative path to happiness. His new book, The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can?t Stand Positive Thinking, explores an alternative route to contentment with insights from sources as varied as Greek philosophers, Buddhist practitioners, experimental psychologists, terrorism experts, and business consultants. The discussion lasts about 25 minutes.

The Afterword, which appears in the Slate daily podcast feed every other Thursday, features interviews with the authors of new nonfiction books. The next guest will be Anne Applebaum, author of Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe, 1944-1956. It will be available on Dec. 6.

The show?s email address is

The podcast is produced by June Thomas. The executive producer of Slate?s podcasts is Andy Bowers.


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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Communications Coordinator for Brubeck Institute - HigherEdJobs

Institution: University of the Pacific
Location: Stockton, CA
  • Admin - Public Relations, Marketing and Communications
Posted: 11/20/2012
Type: Full Time

University of the Pacific seeks a smart and savvy arts marketer to promote its prestigious Brubeck Institute. You should be an arts/music lover with experience creating and marketing campaigns for live performance. You need experience showing you can do it all: brochures, ads, event programs, mailing lists, websites, video, social media and ticket sales. You should be an excellent writer and thinker capable of bringing the Institute's programs to life.


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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

10 Risks of Infidelity and How to Prevent It | Black and Married With ...


by Leroy Scott ?|? on November 19th, 2012 ?|?

Photo Credit: Ugaldew

Research from the American Psychological Association, the Journal of Family Psychology and Science Daily presents alarming and definitive evidence that the majority of married men will cheat on their wives. The rates of divorce are just as alarming. The research indicates that 30 ? 60% of all married individuals will engage in infidelity; that nearly 50% of all marriages end in divorce; that long-term monogamy is difficult to achieve; and that 50 ? 70% of men will cheat on their wives. Research also suggests that men are less likely to leave their wives when they are cheating, so they cheat and make every attempt to remain in the comfort of the covenant relationship. Media has capitalized on this data and made sure that all marketing efforts for men have some level of sexually seductive suggestions that lure men into the one thing that research shows they like the most, other women.

With those kinds of percentages, infidelity is more like a pandemic, than it is a sinus infection. For black men, who want to live their lives with integrity and be black and married with kids, it is, at best, scary to know that the possibility of cheating is so close to him. So, to help both men and women understand infidelity and figure out how they should address it in their relationship, I have chosen to do with infidelity what medicine has done with prostate cancer and hypertension; prevent it. In order to win this battle in your relationship, you must work proactively.

So, rather than writing about the signs of cheating or why men cheat; I wanted to take the research at face value and take responsibility for the risk I believe myself and all other men face, the risk of infidelity.

Here are a few things we know about cheating and what we can do to prevent it:

1. The younger the man is when he gets married the greater the possibility is that he will cheat

Young men should ensure that they are in healthy mentoring relationships with other men who can help them process through feelings and situations that could lead to them cheating. At some level, all men should have other faithful men in their life that can help them process through difficult times.

2. True signs of infidelity are often seen in retrospect

Signs of cheating normally show up as little inclinations with limited certainty. ?But are later made very clear, after the cheating has already occurred. Couples rarely talk about feelings of cheating because they don?t feel safe enough. I mean, most men would never say, ?Baby, I?m feeling like having sex with the secretary. Can you help me?? And most women could not handle a conversation like that anyway. But, more mature couples understand that life brings temptations and they attempt to talk about them and get through them together.

3. It is emotionally possible to have feelings for more than one person.

The reality of relationships is that it is very possible to have feelings for more than one person at the same time. It is difficult to manage a secretly intimate relationship with another person, but it is possible. Women should realize that it is possible for their husband to have feelings for another person and not think that just because he loves her ?so much? that it could never happen. Couples have to be able to talk about this possibility and have an emergency plan to handle it if it does happen. Marriage is no fairy tale.

4. Attractiveness plays a major role in who men cheat with.

Men should take responsibility for knowing what kind of women are their ?type?. They should avoid every situation where a woman of their ?type? is involved. Don?t hire, don?t hang out with, don?t spend alone time with, don?t friend on Facebook, call? ? guess you get the point. Acting like your wife is the only woman you could ever be attracted to is a sure set up.

5. Cheating is highly predicated on opportunity.

Cheating?s best friend is opportunity. Men who cheat spend a tremendous amount of time and effort planning their opportunities to cheat. If you have ever had a fleeting moment in your alone travel that made you feel like doing something wrong, then stop traveling alone. Monitor how you plan your schedule and make sure that you don?t plan opportunities for yourself to fall.

6. Sexual desire and satisfaction impact cheating.

Make sure that you?re not only having sex, but you are having good and satisfying sex with your partner. Match each other?s sex drive and sexual satisfaction level. Remember that masturbation will eventually decrease intimacy and lower sexual intimacy with your partner, so use that energy with your partner. Talk about your sexual experience; what could be better and what was right on point.

7. Men with Avoidant or Dismissive Attachment Styles are more likely to cheat.

Men who avoid confrontation and don?t like talking about problems are at a higher risk of cheating. These men are sometimes uncomfortable with intimacy and have a difficult time emotionally expressing themselves. Men need to force themselves to have intimate conversations with their wife and be vulnerable. At the same time, women need to help men feel like they can talk about ?anything?.

8. Couples that are afraid to tell the truth and talk about their problems are at greater risk of infidelity.

Men who have a hard time talking about general problems, such as finances and family issues will have a more difficult time talking about their infidelity. Men who lie about little things will obviously lie about adultery. Men need to take risk to tell the truth about things they feel may make their wives upset. The better they get at telling the truth about little things, the more confident they will be at talking about and telling the truth about the big things.

9. Men who have had multiple sex partners and or a family history of men who have cheated are at greater risk.

Men need to realize that there are some women and people in their lives that are due their forgiveness. Men should take responsibility for their past sexual relationships and vow to sexual purity with one woman. Even when the woman they love is not the woman they want to have sex with; they should restrain themselves and make love to their wife ?on purpose?.

10. The role of faith has an impact, but faith alone does not lower the probability of a man cheating.

Men need a greater reason than their relationship with God to keep them from cheating. Often Christian men minimize the possibility of them ever cheating, even in the face of so many Christian men that have already fallen victim to infidelity. Men need to make a decision to ?die with integrity.? Cheating is not about heaven or hell. It is really only about your reputation on earth and your legacy to your family. Men have to have a natural reason not to cheat. ?Dying with integrity? is one of a man?s best reasons to be faithful.

BMWK ? do you think that you and your spouse could work through the warning signs of infidelity in order to prevent it? Could you be open and honest enough with each other to address some of the risks mentioned above and work through them in order to prevent infidelity?

About the author

Leroy Scott, MA, MDiv. is a published author, Licensed Professional Counselor, motivational speaker, Life Coach and relationship expert with over 15 years of professional counseling experience. His counseling services and innovative techniques have impacted thousands of people throughout the world.


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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Company vows continued search near burned Gulf rig

NEW ORLEANS (AP) ? The company that owns an oil platform that caught fire in the Gulf of Mexico has vowed to continue searching for a second missing worker after a body was recovered in the waters near the site.

The remains of the unidentified person were found Saturday night by divers hired by Houston-based Black Elk Energy, Coast Guard spokesman Carlos Vega said. Vega said the Coast Guard would be turning over the remains to local authorities. The Coast Guard has suspended its own search.

John Hoffman, the president and CEO of Black Elk Energy, wrote in an email late Saturday that the body is apparently one of two crew members missing since an explosion and fire on the oil platform Friday morning. Hoffman said the body was found by a contract dive vessel.

"Divers will continue to search for the second missing worker," Hoffman wrote in an email. "Our thoughts and prayers are with the families."

Hoffman said the body was found close to the leg of the platform, near where the explosion occurred, in about 30 feet of water. He said the missing men were employees of oilfield contractor Grand Isle Shipyard.

GIS CEO Mark Pregeant released a statement that the company has notified the family of those involved but was declining to release their names, according to WWL-TV in New Orleans.

The Coast Guard had suspended its own search earlier Saturday after 32 hours spent covering 1,400 square miles near the oil platform, located about 20 miles southeast of Grand Isle, La.

"We saw no signs of life. We have suspended the search... pending further development," Vega said.

Authorities have said the blaze erupted Friday morning while workers were using a torch to cut an oil line on the platform.

Pregeant's statement, however, said the cause of the fire and explosion is unknown and that "initial reports that a welding torch was being used at the time of the incident or that an incorrect line was cut are completely inaccurate."

Four other workers who were severely burned remained hospitalized Saturday night. Officials at Baton Rouge General Medical Center said two men were in critical condition Saturday, while two men were in serious condition. The four, being treated in a burn unit, are also employees of Grand Isle Shipyard and are from the Philippines.

After Friday's blaze, 11 people were taken by helicopter to area hospitals or for treatment on shore by emergency medical workers.

Grand Isle Shipyard employed 14 of the 22 workers on the platform at the time of the explosion, WWL-TV reported. A man who answered the phone at the company's Galliano, La., office on Saturday said no one was available to comment.

Separate from the explosion, Grand Isle Shipyard is facing a lawsuit by a group of former workers from the Philippines who claim they were confined to cramped living quarters and forced to work long hours for substandard pay. The lawsuit was filed in late 2011 in a Louisiana federal court and is pending. Lawyers for the company have said the workers' claims are false and should be dismissed.

Meanwhile, company officials said no oil was leaking from the charred platform, a relief for Gulf Coast residents still weary two years after the BP oil spill illustrated the risk that offshore drilling poses to the region's ecosystem and economy.

Black Elk released a statement saying that the platform wasn't operating and hadn't been since August.

Black Elk Energy is an independent oil and gas company. The company's website says it holds interests in properties in Texas and Louisiana waters, including 854 wells on 155 platforms.


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Monday, November 19, 2012

Kauai Mayor's Attorney Denounces Prosecutor And Police Chief After Cabinet Member is Indicted for Theft

BY JIM DOOLEY?AND MALIA ZIMMERMAN -?The personal attorney for Kauai Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr.?angrily denounced efforts by Police Chief Darryl Perry and outgoing Prosecutor Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho to charge the mayor for alleged theft of more than $5,000 of county gasoline.

Kauai Mayor Bernard Carvalho

?As far as I am concerned, there is no criminal liability of any kind whatsoever,? said Eric Seitz, Carvalho?s lawyer.

Seitz said Iseri-Carvalho and Perry are pursuing groundless charges against Carvalho.

Iseri-Carvalho lost her re-election campaign this month and has just weeks left in office. Both she and Perry have had very strained relations with Carvalho and his administration.

Seitz said that David Minkin, a private attorney retained by the Kauai Auditor to investigate the mayor?s use of county gasoline, is ?outraged? that his findings are being used to pursue criminal charges against the mayor, Seitz said.

Minkin?s law firm, McCorriston Miller Mukai MacKinnon, was hired by the county auditor?s office to conduct an independent investigation of gasoline usage on Kauai.

?It was an impeccable investigation,? Seitz said. ?They recommended that there be no criminal charges whatsoever.?

Minkin could not be reached for comment this weekend.

But his firm?s report, submitted to the auditor in May of this year, said, ?Mayor Carvalho?s use of County fuel demonstrates questionable fiscal policies that range from poor accounting to a possible breach of public trust.

?Further,? the report continued, ?the lack of legal authority for the Mayor to use County resources (fuel) for personal purposes, such as commuting to and froM work, evidences a misappropriation of County property with resultant possibility of criminal liability.?

And the County?s failure to report Carvalho?s gasoline usage as a job ?fringe benefit? raised questions about possible tax liabilities, the report said.

But the report cautioned that before a determination of criminal conduct could be made, further investigation needed to be made into whether Carvalho had guilty intent when he used the gasoline.

?Law enforcement authorities are equipped with the necessary investigative and subpoena power to accomplish this task, which is well beyond the scope of work undertaken buy this firm,? the report said.

?The logical referrals are the Kauai Police Department and the Kauai Prosecutor?s Office,? said the report.

The independent investigators noted that he auditor had ?concerns? about ?potential conflicts of interest in the?Police Department and Prosecutor?s Office.?

Prosecutor Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho

But it went on to say that any decision about such conflicts had to be made by those agencies and not the auditor.

?In an abundance of caution, the matter should also be brought to the attention of the State of Hawaii Department of the Attorney General as this department has both investigative and prosecutorial capabilities,? the report said.

The question of possible tax liabilities should be referred to the Kauai Department of Finance, said the report.

?If the County fails to take any corrective action regarding the taxing issues, the Auditor?s Office may also be required to make appropriate reports to the Hawaii Tax Department and the Internal Revenue Service,? the report said.

Minkin?s report also noted that previous Kauai mayors have been allowed to use county gasoline in their personal vehicles.

?Numerous individuals interviewed during this investigation indicated this (gasoline) usage is a known practice that dates back to multiple prior mayors,? investigators at a Honolulu law firm reported to the Kauai County Auditor in May.

But no one interviewed by the investigators could cite ?appropriate legal authority? for the practice, the report said.

?A clear and articulated policy regarding the Mayor?s fuel usage should be promulgated to avoid the historical usage of fuel by the Mayor without the proper and appropriate authorization,? said the investigators.

Iseri-Carvalho?s office obtained a grand jury indictment this week against Coounty official Janine Rapozo on charges that she helped Carvalho misappropriate county gasoline in 2009 and 2010.

Carvalho was not indicted and a warrant for his arrest issued by the Police Department has not been served because two Kauai judges refused to sign the document.

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Author: Jim Dooley and Malia Zimmerman

Jim Dooley and Malia Zimmerman are award winning investigative reporters for

Jim Dooley and Malia Zimmerman has written 15 articles for us.


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Wii U: New console launches in a sea of gadgets -

NEW YORK (AP) ? In the six years since the last major video game system launched, Apple unveiled the iPhone and the iPad, "Angry Birds" invaded smartphones and Facebook reached a billion users. In the process, scores of video game consoles were left to languish in living rooms alongside dusty VCRs and disc players.

On Sunday, Nintendo Co. is launching the Wii U, a game machine designed to appeal both to the original Wii's casual audience and the hardcore gamers who skip work to be among the first to play the latest "Call of Duty" release. Just like the Wii U's predecessor, the Wii, which has sold nearly 100 million units worldwide since 2006, the new console's intended audience "truly is 5 to 95," says Reggie Fils-Aime, the president of Nintendo of America, the Japanese company's U.S. arm.

But the Wii U arrives in a new world. Video game console sales have been falling, largely because it's been so long since a new system has launched. Most people who wanted an Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 or a Wii already have one. Another reason: People in the broad 5-to-95 age range have shifted their attention to games on Facebook, tablet computers and mobile phones.

U.S. video game sales last month, including hardware, software and accessories, totaled $755.5 million, according to the research firm NPD Group. In October 2007, the figure stood at $1.1 billion.

The Wii U is likely to do well during the holiday shopping season, analysts believe ?so well that shoppers may see shortages. But the surge could peter out in 2013. The Wii U is not expected to be the juggernaut that the Wii was in its heyday, according to research firm IHS iSuppli. The Wii outsold its competitors, the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3, in its first four years on sale, logging some 79 million units by the end of 2010. By comparison, IHS expects the Wii U to sell 56.7 million in its first four years.

In the age of a million gadgets and lean wallets, the storied game company faces a new challenge: convincing people that they need a new video game system rather than, say, a new iPad.

The Wii U, which starts at $300, isn't lacking in appeal. It allows for "asymmetrical game play," meaning two people playing the same game can have entirely different experiences depending on whether they use a new tablet-like controller called the GamePad or the traditional Wii remote. The GamePad can also be used to play games without using a TV set, as you would on a regular tablet. And it serves as a fancy remote controller to navigate a TV-watching feature called TVii, which will be available in December.

Nintendo, known for iconic game characters such as Mario, Donkey Kong and Zelda, is expected to sell the consoles quickly in the weeks leading up to the holidays. After all, it's been six long years and sons, daughters, brothers and sisters are demanding presents. GameStop Corp., the world's No. 1 video game retailer, said last week that advance orders sold out and it has nearly 500,000 people on its Wii U waitlist.

Even so, it's a "very, very crowded space in consumer electronics" this holiday season, notes Ben Bajarin, a principal analyst at Creative Strategies who covers gaming.

Apple's duo of iPads, the full-size model and a smaller version called the Mini, will be competing for shoppers' attention. Not to be outdone, Inc. has launched a trove of Kindle tablets and e-readers in time for the holidays. These range from the Paperwhite, a touch-screen e-reader, to the Kindle Fire HD, which features a color screen and can work with a cellular data plan. Then there are the new laptops and cheaper, thinner "ultrabooks" featuring Microsoft's new Windows 8 operating system ?not to mention smartphones from Apple Inc., Samsung and other manufacturers.

"Nintendo has to be a cut above the noise here," Bajarin says.

The Wii U is the first major game console to launch in years, but in some ways Nintendo is merely catching up with the HD trend. Sony Corp. and Microsoft Corp. began selling their own powerful, high-definition consoles six and seven years ago, respectively. Both Sony and Microsoft are expected to unveil new game consoles in 2013.

Baird analyst Colin Sebastian thinks the question is not how well the Wii U will do during the holidays, but how it will fare three and six months later.

Gaming has changed significantly in the past six years, especially when it comes to the type of mass-audience experiences that serve as Nintendo's bread and butter. Zynga Inc., the online game company behind Facebook games such as "FarmVille" and "Texas HoldEm Poker," was founded in 2007. The first "Angry Birds" game, that addictive, quirky distraction that has players flinging cartoon birds at structures hiding smug green pigs launched in late 2009. The first iPad, of course, came out in 2010 ?three years after the first iPhone.

Fils-Aime acknowledges that Nintendo competes in the broad entertainment landscape, "minute-by-minute," for consumers' time.

"That's true today and that was true 20 years ago," he says, adding that Nintendo's challenge is communicating to people "what is so fun and appealing about the new system."

Analysts expect Wii U sales to be brisk over the holidays. Nintendo's loyal ?some would say, fanatical? fan base has been placing advance orders and will likely keep the systems flying off store shelves well into next year. The classic Mario and Zelda games are a huge part of the appeal, since they can't be played on any gaming system but Nintendo's.

Research firm IHS iSuppli estimates that by the end of the year, people will have snapped up 3.5 million Wii U consoles worldwide, compared with 3.1 million Wii units in the same period through the end of 2006.

After the Wii went on sale, shortages persisted for months. Stores were met with long lines of shoppers trying to get their hands on a Wii as late as July 2007, more than seven months after the system's launch.

Though supply constraints are expected this time around, Fils-Aime says Nintendo will have more hardware available in the Americas than it had for the Wii's initial months on the market. The company says it will also replenish retailers more frequently than it did six years ago.

An initial sell-out doesn't mean the Wii U will be successful over the long term, IHS notes, citing its estimate that the Wii U won't match the Wii's sales over time.

Bajarin believes it's going to take "a little bit of time" for the Wii U's dual-screen gaming concept to sink in with people. If it proves popular, Nintendo could see even more competition at its hands.

"Technologically, it's not a leap of the imagination to see Apple, Google, Microsoft do something like this," he says.


Follow Barbara Ortutay on Twitter at


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Sunday, November 18, 2012

91% Holy Motors

All Critics (103) | Top Critics (25) | Fresh (94) | Rotten (9)

Holy Motors is wild and unfettered and playful - the work of an artist who carries his love of cinema in his bones, and knows how to share that affection with the audience.

This is the most exhilarating cinema ride of 2012, a marvellously mobile mystery trip.

In "Holy Motors" Carax insists on our other selves. His daylong ride is a wary celebration, a joyful dirge that's served up in concentrated form by a roving band of accordion players. It's all in a day's work.

As cryptic and unpredictable as that premise might suggest.

Lavant is splendid in the film, and he's essentially the entire film - and yet, "Holy Motors" is somewhat more than a contraption built for a fearless performer.

Here is a film that is exasperating, frustrating, anarchic and in a constant state of renewal. It's not tame.

Weird, baffling, and the lunatic work of a powerfully ambitious filmmaker, 'Holy Motors' is one of the best films of the year.

Andr? Breton would be proud.

I just know Holy Motors tickled me, cosmic pretensions and all.

Some day, an editor is going to put together a highlight reel of Denis Lavant's greatest performances. Will most of it be scenes from Holy Motors?

It's rare that we get the chance to encounter anything this freely inventive, this amusing, this ineffably sad and, yet, this full of life.

A fascinating and heartbreaking study of humanity, one leavened with a refreshing levity and humor that makes Carax's philosophy on life not only palatable, but thoroughly enjoyable.

A stunning exploration of identity in both society and filmmaking that features one of the best performances of the year by some stretch.

A film that not only demands repeat viewings but also makes that an attractive proposition.

A multitude of pleasures abound if one gives into the insane spell the film casts.

An exercise in overindulgence.

A glorious, gross, absurd, haunting dream and deconstruction of identity that may enthrall like a symphony or annoy like a rash.

Whatever your approach to the schoizoid storyline, you're unlikely to ever forget the exhilarating, eruptive cinematic splooge of Holy Motors.

Holy moly, Carax drops the movie acid.

No quotes approved yet for Holy Motors. Logged in users can submit quotes.


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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Japan Box Office Report ? November 10th/11th

(02) 'Aku no Kyoten' / (01) 'Nobou no Shiro' / (03) 'Kita no Canariatachi'

?Nobou no Shiro? remains on top and ?Aku no Kyoten? opens in at second place.

First place was defended by ?Nobou no Shiro? almost as bravely as the castle in the movie itself. After ten days it already recorded 982,363 viewers and a cumulative revenue of 1,184,000,000 Yen (14,760,928 USD). If this impressive and steady performance continues, it might even be able to reach 2,500,000,000 Yen (31,167,500 USD).

Second place featured the opening of Miike Takashi?s ?Aku no Kyoten? starring Ito Hideaki as a popular teacher and psychopathic killer. It already received a lot of praise at a recent international film festival and experienced a decent opening weekend in Japan with 215,059 viewers and a revenue of 298,945,000 Yen (3,726,947 USD). A realistic goal for this movie should be 1,500,000,000 Yen (18,700,500 USD) or even 2,000,000,000 Yen (24,934,000 USD) judging by the opening weekend.

The only other new movie in the top ten was ?Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away? this weekend. It opened at fifth place with 53,432 viewers and a revenue of 87,974,700 Yen (1,096,780 USD).

?Tsunagu?, which dropped to tenth place, has reached its personal milestone of 1,500,000,000 Yen. ?Odoru Daisousasen THE FINAL? dropped outside of the top ten this weekend with a current cumulative revenue of 5,796,000,000 Yen (72,258,732 USD). The milestone of 6,000,000,000 Yen (74,802,000 USD) already seems to be out of reach, but it?s still screening in plenty of theaters.

You can check out the trailers of all the new Japanese films below the box office ranking!


(Note: The ranking is not based on the revenue, but the number of sold tickets!)



> ?Aku no Kyoten ? Lesson of Evil? (Suspense, Violence)


> ?Nerawareta Gakuen? (Science-Fiction, Anime)


> ?Kamihate Shoten? (Human Drama)



> ?Yukue Fumei? (Fake Documentary, Suspense)


> ?Yoriyoi Ashita? (Hard-Boiled Drama)


> ?JUDGEMENT? (Suspense)


> ?Ano Musume ga Umibe de Odotteru? (Youth Drama)


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Unique SKYACTIV technology gives all-new Mazda6 a RV boost ...

RESIDUAL value forecasts for the all-new Mazda6 put the model on a par with premium badge rivals and comfortably ahead of those for key fleet competitors.


The figures from experts atCAPMonitor (November 2012) will be welcomed by fleet decision-makers, who will also be buoyed by the tax-efficiency and fuel economy of the Mazda6 thanks to breakthrough SKYACTIV technology featuring in Mazda?s new upper medium sector contender.


The all-new Mazda6, which goes on UK sale in January 2013 in saloon and Tourer body styles, has been given a three-year/60,000-mile residual value uplift of up to 7.5% versus the outgoing model, according to data from vehicle information providerCAP.


Major MPG and carbon dioxide emission improvements across the all-new Mazda6 range due to SKYACTIV Technology have contributed to the residual value enhancements.


Residual value predictions for the Mazda6 petrol-engined saloon range average 31.8%, the petrol-engined Tourer 33%, the diesel-engined saloon 31.6% and the diesel-engined Tourer 32.7%. Versus the current Mazda6, those figures represent an average uplift of 7.5% (petrol-engined Tourer), 7% (petrol-engined hatch as no saloon available), 2.6% (diesel-engined Tourer) and 2.4% (diesel-engined hatch as no saloon available).


Those forecasts, according toCAP, put the new Mazda6 comfortably ahead in the residual value stakes against the likes of the Vauxhall Insignia (average 23%), Ford Mondeo (28%), Volkswagen Passat (29%), Honda Accord (30%) and Toyota Avensis (31%).


Mazda forecasts that its biggest fleet seller in the range will be the 2.2 litre 150 PS SKYACTIV-D saloon SE-L Nav with a P11D value of ?23,140, emissions at a class-leading 108 g/km and combined cycle fuel economy of 67.3 mpg.CAPpredicts that the model will have a three-year/60,000-mile residual value of ?7,475 (32%).


In-depth analysis reveals that over three-years/60,000 miles the anticipated best-selling model in the new Mazda6 range will depreciate by ?15,665 which means it is a better choice for fleet operators than rivals such as the BMW 320d, Audi A4, Toyota Avensis, Honda Accord and Vauxhall Insignia (see chart below).


Model???????????????????????????????????????????????? P11D value???? RV????????????????? Depreciation


Mazda6 2.2 150ps SE-L Nav???????????? ?23,140?????????? ?7,475 (32%)? ?15,665

Vaux Insignia 2.0 CDTi ecoSE Nav? ?26,165?????????? ?5,975 (23%)? ?20,190

Audi A4 2.0 TDIe SE???????????????????????? ?26,650?????????? ?9,075 (34%)? ?17,575

BMW 320d SE EffDynamics???????????? ?28,025?????????? ?10,575 (38%)??????????? ?17,450

Honda Accord 2.2 i-DTECES?????????? ?24,150?????????? ?7,275 (30%)? ?16,875

ToyotaAvensis 2.0 D-4D T4????????????? ?23,790?????????? ?7,300 (31%)? ?16,490

VW Passat 2.0TDIBTech Highline? ?22,855?????????? ?7,650 (33%)? ?15,205

Ford Mondeo 2.0 TDCi Zetec Bus???? ?21,740?????????? ?6,775 (31%)? ?14,965

Source: CAP Monitor (November 2012).


The top-selling diesel Tourer in the all-new Mazda6 range is predicted to be the 2.2 litre 150 PS SE-L Nav, which has emissions of 116 g/km and combined cycle fuel economy of 64.2 mpg. The model, with a P11D value of ?23,890, is forecast to have a residual value of ?7,975 (33%) at three years/60,000 miles.


Jeff Knight, editor of Monitor,CAP?s residual value forecast guide, said: ?The all-new Mazda6 is a large car with a striking road presence, with excellent cabin space for front and rear passengers.


?Key from a fleet perspective is emissions; like the recently launched Mazda CX-5 the Mazda6 has been built around the manufacturer?s SKYACTIV Technology. This enables the 150 PS diesel engine to deliver a CO2 figure for the saloon of 108 g/km placing it at least one company car benefit-in-kind tax band below virtually all the competition.


?However, CO2 emission performance and MPG is also critical for the used car market in respect of petrol engine cars, as buyers have a greater affinity to such models than the fleet market hence the greater residual value uplift.


?Together with high levels of specification, a more premium interior and excellent future residual values, the all-new Mazda6 should win a place at the front and centre of company car choice lists.?


Mazda head of fleet Steve Tomlinson said: ?Residual value forecasts for the all-new Mazda6 put the model ahead of key rivals from volume marques and enables the car to close in on premium badge models, which is what we hoped.


?Given the competitive pricing of the Mazda6 and the fact that on a model-for-model basis it beats key rivals in terms of price, MPG, CO2 emissions, standard specification and power, we anticipate strong residual values to be another vital attraction to fleet operators.


?Total cost of ownership is a key barometer for fleet chiefs in making their company car decisions and the forecasted first class all-new Mazda6 residual values, which make-up a large percentage of a model?s overall whole life cost figure, will contribute to triggering significant sales.?



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