Thursday, September 27, 2012

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Tantric massage is getting more and more popular because of its exhilaration and healing power. Some people may think that it is a sexual massage but it is actually not about that but more of spiritual awakening. Primarily, the massage focuses on the human body and its overall health. It helps relax the body and allows an individual to master his or her vitality and sexual energy. Tantric massage is closely associated with different yoga elements, in which partners need to feel each other and breathe in concurrently. Simultaneous breathing promotes mutual understanding and guarantees positive outlook and connection between partners. If you wish to try something new, a tantric massage service can give you a one of a kind experience.




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Monday, September 24, 2012

2013 optimism keeps home sellers on the sidelines | Real Estate ...

What a watch-and-wait attitude could mean for prices next year

What a watch-and-wait attitude could mean for prices next year

Dian Hymer
Inman News?

As far back as 2006, when the home sale market was peaking, buyers trying to buy a home in hot markets complained that there wasn't enough inventory to satisfy the demand. After the bubble burst and home sales and prices sagged, buyers in some areas still complained that there wasn't enough of the right kind of inventory on the market.

In 2009, solidly in the midst of the recent housing recession, a couple who owned a home in the hills above Oakland, Calif., for 15 years decided to make a move to accommodate their expanding family. They needed more space, wanted a view and needed a floor plan that included au pair quarters.

Although it was a buyer's market, good listings that fit their wish list didn't come up often. It took over a year to buy a home during which time they lost out in multiple-offer competitions on two listings that would have worked.

HOUSE HUNTING TIP: The Oakland buyers made their winning offer on a holiday weekend, which gave them an advantage because a lot of agents and prospective buyers were out of town.

Although low-inventory markets are not unusual, the low-inventory market of 2012 is good news in some areas and extremely bad news for buyers in other areas. In June, the inventory of homes for sale nationally was 24.4 percent lower than it was a year ago, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR). But, in some areas, like parts of the San Francisco Bay Area, the number of homes for sale has plummeted nearly 50 percent from a year ago.

Today's housing market is low on listings suitable for first-time buyers. Typically, first-time buyers make up approximately 40 percent of home sales. According to NAR, 32 percent of homebuyers in June were first-time buyers.

If owners of starter homes bought at the peak of the market with small cash down payments, their homes may not be salable at a price that covers the balance on their mortgage and closing costs. They may be house-bound until home prices go up enough to make it possible for them to sell and trade up.

Another factor holding first-timers back are excessively restrictive credit requirements making it difficult for many to qualify for a mortgage.

Some economists believe that we are actually seeing home price appreciation now. In that case, prospective homebuyers can expect more of the same: not enough buying opportunities for the buyers who want to take advantage of today's record low interest rates.

Some homeowners who were thinking about selling this year because they didn't want to continue to wait for a better market could switch gears when the news of an improved housing market sinks in. If the market is improving, why not wait until next year to sell?

Other sellers might have the same idea. If so, this might tip the scales. There would be more listings, which is good news for buyers. But, it could reduce the number of multiple offers and selling prices over the list price that some of today's home sellers are receiving.

Lenders are still holding back on bringing foreclosed properties on the market. Alternatives to foreclosure are being pursued by some lenders. A concern is that if the market becomes flooded with inventory again, the housing market will slow down and prices will fall.

Economists aren't in agreement on where the housing market will go from here. Some think it will be rocky; others think the recovery is under way. NAR recently reported that the national median existing-home price increased 9.5 percent between August 2011 and August 2012. It was the six consecutive month that the monthly price increases exceeded prices from the year before.

THE CLOSING: The last time this occurred was December 2005 to May 2006.

Dian Hymer, a real estate broker with more than 30 years' experience, is a nationally syndicated real estate columnist and author of "House Hunting: The Take-Along Workbook for Home Buyers" and "Starting Out, The Complete Home Buyer's Guide."

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    Sorrows of a woman with a schoool child | Zambia Daily Mail

    A CHILD with a special need uses learning tools.

    ?WHERE children are privileged to attend a few of these high profile private schools, where parents and students are accorded a right to have a say in the goings on at the school,? these cries from women who have been talking to Chatting Education may sound strange. But the grieving women with children in public schools are pointing out how some of our schools are devoid of care for the needs and welfare of the children. Lately, this column has been rushed off its feet by complaints from mothers who have been following Chatting Education stories.
    The mothers bring out two issues: Schools are failing to adequately cater for their children. Secondly, there is no-one to complain to ? or there is simply no-one to take action and remedy matters.Thewomen have lost hope that there is anyone at the Ministry of Education who cares about the suffering of their children. The voices of crying mothers are so loud that Chatting Education will relay to the public and authorities themothers? anguish, and, hopefully, just hopefully, move someone to action.Some of the women are not only grieving, they are in fact upset.
    Through an e-mail, Beauty Mulenga of Chililabombwe, sounding close to being infuriated,said, ?We expect every Zambian to know their rights. Sensitisation is paramountso that each and every individual knows where to go when he or she is abused.? This was in reference to the article, ?Students deserve their right to dignity?. Ms Mulenga challenges parents to realise they have a role to play by educating children on their rights.
    She laments with a tone of sadness, ?Our children who are attending government schools are in for it. You can imagine the first week of opening schools, our children avoid going to school because they do nothing the whole week except manual work. The following week it is teachers? meetings and no classes during the second week as well. ?no school reports have been done for the children. No Open Day (to discuss the progress of the child) since January!? She appeals to the Ministry of Education ?? to do something to stop the rot ? the ill-treatment of children by schools.?
    A UNDP gender programmes officer in Lusaka, who herself was once a teacher, stated in no uncertain terms, via SMS: ?There is gross violation of child/human rights taking place in most of these schools all in the name of discipline.? She was categorical enough to add, ?Catholic schools are worse because they know they are on high demand. Catholic schools feel they can get away with it because they are not answerable to government authorities.?
    Ms CandyMorrell, an ardent reader of Chatting Education,speaks of how the article on dignity of students in education evoked revolting memories of one experience she had whilst attending a school in Lusaka. She recollects being punished to ?clean out? the disused swimming pool at the school. The pool was infested with live frogs. You can imagine the eerie feeling. Her crime? Having reported late for school on the fateful day.The school felt it was so huge a transgression befitting such odious punishment.
    A reader with affinity to Chatting Education who worked at a convent school recalls how a nun at the school slapped a girl so hard that to this day, she recalls the incident with fright. And a head teacher at a Chingola school once punished a class to ?uproot? a line of water pipes at the school so that new pipes could be laid. Punishment for making noise.The boys and girls did not know where the pipes lay in the ground. The ground was hard, and the pupils had no suitable tools with which to do the job.
    The lamentations of a mum with a child enrolled at a special needs school, tell of very distressing conditions at the school. The woman, on the phone, sounded like she was at wits? end. She has resigned to the fact that she and her child will continue hurting for eternity. She had just finished reading the article, ?the heavy burden of illiteracy?, and decided to call Chatting Education ? if only to talk to someone about the plight of the children at the school.
    The mother reeled off and lamented at the lack of care and poor attitude towards the children by the staff at the school. Staff numbers at the school are very low. The adult-pupil ratio is as bad as 1 to 15. Handling and trying to teach 15 children with intellectual difficulties becomes unenviable. The apparent lack of commitment and adherence to professional ethics by the staff leaves a mother close to tears.
    She observes there is no differentiation in the teaching approach employed by the teachers. It is often one teaching strategy and one task for all the children.Things are so bad that one classroom is used simultaneously by two grades, with teachers sharing the same chalk board at a time! When a child gets tired, as can often be expected, the child will most likely sleep on the floor. There aren?t proper mattresses on which the children, who are of different special conditions, can sleep.
    Where a child?s disability requires the use of special furniture, parents have to provide this. As though the parents? burden of having a child with learning disability is not hard enough, the school charges K300,000 school fees, asks the children to donate cocoa, milk, sugar, washing detergent and other groceries. Obviously you will pardon the parent who suggests that staff at the school benefit from this arrangement. Imagine a poor, disabled child being made to struggle to meet the requirements of this special school. And this is a government-run school.
    The school has one little bus which is used by the children. On school trips and as it helps the children get to school and back home, the 16-seater bus is always overloaded. Cases have been recorded where a child who had messed themselves up in their pants was put on the bus together with the other children to be attended to at home!
    Children at this school are weighed down by their intellectual inabilities. They, thus, require special care and therapy as they receive special education. These children are amongst the most vulnerable in any society. Children with special educational needs should be specially provided for to allow them to develop and realise their own full potential just like any other children who have no learning handicaps. Ironically, the school motto reads, ?self-sufficiency through special education provision.?
    An attempt by Chatting Education to visit the school to verify the cries of the mother drew a blank. As though symbolic of how rough things are at the school, the road leading to it is in bad state. The grounds at the school are dry.? There is very little outside playing equipment.The head teacher of the school, showing marked guardedness, refused to grant the columnist an interview though she conceded that the school faces numerous problems.
    All these cries can point at a few things.Education Standards Officers are there in theory. The ministry is bureaucratic; the officers are too traditional in their ideas.The cries are a sad testament of the unprofessional conduct of school head teachers who have abrogated their responsibilities. Teachers are not taking motherly care of the kids. Schools have caused several mothers to cry, and bred numerous silently weeping children.
    Comments, 0966902506, 0955 491305


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    New Orleans Gets a Skate Park | News | Gambit New Orleans News ...

    In March, rapper Lil Wayne, Hollygrove's favorite son, partnered with Mountain Dew for a multimillion dollar ad campaign cleverly dubbed "DEWeezy," combining the rapper's nickname with that of the astro-green Pepsi drink. It was Weezy's first major endorsement deal, a deal with a company that shares a common interest in skateboarding ? Mountain Dew has been the token "x-treme" beverage marketed in "x-treme" sports, and Wayne has expressed an interest in skate culture (not including the lyrical references "skinny pants and some Vans"). The deal links Wayne with professional skateboarders Paul Rodriguez and Theotis Beasley, and this week, the campaign will cut the ribbon on a new skate park in the Lower 9th Ward.

    ??New Orleans' skate culture is thriving ? from skate shops and DIY skate spots to the city's famously flat terrain and creative street design, not to mention the all-ages skateboarders in neighborhoods citywide. A free and open-to-the-public skate spot is a necessary, obvious and overdue addition. Although the DEWeezy Project skate park is one of the first "official" parks in city limits, it won't be the last.

    City ordinances make it clear that skateboarding is not just another form of transportation in New Orleans: "No person upon roller skates or riding in or by means of any coaster, toy vehicle or similar device or hand-propelled vehicle shall go upon any roadway except while crossing a street on a crosswalk and when so crossing such person shall be granted all the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to pedestrians."

    ??That hasn't stopped skateboarders from reclaiming the cityscape. In 2010, skating advocates built the Peach Orchard, a guerrilla skate park in Gentilly near the Interstate 610 overpass and the railroad tracks at Paris Avenue and Pleasure Street. Dozens of skateboarders from across the metro area descended upon sturdy concrete quarter-pipes, skateboard-friendly wooden structures and tables and ramps ? a completely not-for-profit, DIY "secret" space, built for skaters by skaters, including longtime builder Adam Ludon.

    ??On May 14, 2012, bulldozers from Norfolk Southern Railway, which owns the space on either side of the track, cleared the Peach Orchard.

    ??"They said it was because of graffiti," says Peach Orchard crew member Joey O'Mahoney. "I don't know if you've seen Norfolk Southern trains but they still have graffiti. They didn't fix the graffiti problem by bulldozing a public resource."

    ??So Peach Orchard crewmembers started rebuilding at a new site, dubbed Parisite. "We're not building a replica," O'Mahoney says. "We used to work during the week during the days. Now we get a bunch of heads together on Saturdays and start shoveling at 9 a.m. Hopefully we'll never finish. It can constantly be evolving."

    ??Peach Orchard doesn't have permission, or permits, from the New Orleans Recreation Development Commission (NORD), though O'Mahoney says there's "an understanding," and no city agency has made any statement supporting or condemning it.

    ??"At the new spot, the pillars are all painted NORD colors. There used to be tennis courts, barbecue pits and benches under there," he says. "Then at some point they took them out and turned off the lights."

    ??The Tony Hawk Foundation, which supports youth access to recreational programs (specifically skate parks) through grants and technical assistance, is consulting with the Peach Orchard to help the group draft a letter urging NORD to incorporate skate parks ? 13, citywide, in all neighborhoods ? in its upcoming planning process. (NORD plans seven community meetings in September and October to gather input for its "Neighborhood Participation Plan.")

    ??Last year, Red Bull completed a 1,075-mile barge tour ? "The Mississippi Grind" ? with a "floating skate park" and a host of professional skateboarders onboard. It set sail from Minneapolis to New Orleans, and when it anchored here, Red Bull donated the floating park's structures for a skate park to be built in New Orleans.

    ??But the city wasn't ready, despite having the hardware; it needed funding for utilities, bathrooms and other park necessities. New Orleans City Park was out. The city intended for the Lafitte Greenway, the planned 3.1-mile recreational area that will stretch from Armstrong Park to Lakeview, to house the skate park. Right now its parts are in storage. Groups like the Peach Orchard and?the Tony Hawk Foundation aren't waiting.

    ??"We're in the beginning stages of building the framework for meeting the needs of New Orleans youth, especially as it applies to skateboarding," says Tony Hawk Foundation program planner Peter Whitley, who developed a 2005 program in Tacoma, Washington that turned blighted pockets into pedestrian-friendly skate areas. His "Public Skate Park Development Guide" is used worldwide for building public policy around skate parks. "Right now those kids are skating in the streets, in traffic," Whitley says.

    ??The foundation has helped get skate parks into master plans in Seattle and Portland, Ore., and Whitley is working with skateboard advocates in San Diego and New York ? and now New Orleans ? to do the same.

    ??"Planning in New Orleans over the last seven years or so has been up in the air, and it seems like a good time to introduce skate parks as an item for consideration," he says. "We'd rather work more with the advocates and community catalysts, people willing to go out there and DIY it. Those are the people willing to take the lead and demonstrate the need to get it done. ... When you have corporate influence or business interest, that will be their priority. When it comes down to it, it's not about the facility or where it came from, it's about the community around it. After the brand-new car smell goes away, you're left with the skaters."

    The DEWeezy park is housed inside the Lower 9th Ward Village on Charbonnet Street. California Skate Parks designed the indoor park along with Make it Right Foundation architect Tim Duggan. The floor design echoes the street grid around the community center, with a line down the middle of the floor representing Caffin Avenue, which connects skate structures at either end of the park representing the boundaries of the Mississippi River and Bayou Bienvenue.

    ??Outside New Orleans, Baton Rouge's Perkins Road Community Park houses an "Extreme Sports and Skate Park," with a 30,000 square foot concrete park (also built by California Skate Parks) and a BMX bike track. Dreamland Skate Parks opened a 10,000 square feet concrete park in Hammond in 2005.

    ??Parisite is being created near its Gentilly predecessor, at Paris Avenue and Pleasure Street.

    ??"We need more advocates who can pester the city," O'Mahoney says. "I personally can only do so much, and I'm not even that good at it. ... It's possible we can get demolished again. Basically what we really need is a large public base?of support that can speak up for us and say, 'No, you can't. We say you can't demolish this. There must be?amnesty.'"


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    Iran readies domestic Internet, blocks Google

    1 day

    DUBAI ??Iran plans to switch its citizens onto a domestic Internet network in what officials say is a bid to improve cyber security but which many Iranians fear is the latest way to control their access to the web.

    The announcement, made by a government deputy minister on Sunday, came as state television announced Google Inc's search engine and its email service would be blocked "within a few hours".

    "Google and Gmail will be filtered throughout the country until further notice," an official identified only by his last name, Khoramabadi, said, without giving further details.

    The Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA) said Google ban was connected to the anti-Islamic film posted on the company's YouTube site which has caused outrage throughout the Muslim world. There was no official confirmation.

    Iran has one of the biggest Internet filters of any country in the world, preventing normal Iranians from accessing countless sites on the official grounds they are offensive or criminal.

    But many Iranians believe the block on sites such as Facebook and YouTube is due to their use in anti-government protests after the disputed re-election of President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad in 2009.

    Sites expressing views considered anti-government are also routinely blocked.

    Iranians commonly overcome the government filter by using virtual private network (VPN) software that makes the computer appear as if it is based in another country.

    But officials have long spoken of creating an Iranian Internet system which would be largely isolated from the World Wide Web.

    "In recent days, all governmental agencies and offices ... have been connected to the national information network," deputy communications and technology minister Ali Hakim-Javadi was quoted as saying by the Mehr news agency.

    The second phase of the plan would be to connect ordinary Iranians to the national network, he said.

    According to Iranian media, the domestic system would be fully implemented by March 2013 but it was not clear whether access to the global Internet would be cut once the Iranian system is rolled out.

    Even using VPNs, many Iranians suffered serious problems accessing email and social networking sites in February, ahead of parliamentary elections.

    The Islamic Republic tightened cyber security after its nuclear program was attacked in 2010 by the Stuxnet computer worm, which caused centrifuges to fail at its main uranium enrichment facility.

    Tehran, whose nuclear programme is suspected by the West of being aimed at developing a bomb, accused the United States and Israel of deploying the worm.

    Authorities said in April a computer virus was detected inside the control systems of Kharg Island - which handles the vast majority of Iran's crude oil exports - but the terminal remained operational.

    Communications and Technology Minister Reza Taqipour said last month Iran needed to develop its own network to ensure the safety of the country's information.

    "Control over the Internet should not be in the hands of one or two countries," he said. "Especially on major issues and during crises, one cannot trust this network at all."

    Iran threatened in May to take legal action against Google over its decision to drop the term "Persian Gulf" from its Google Maps and leaving the waterway between Iran and the Arabian peninsula nameless.

    Many Arab states refer to the sea as the "Arabian Gulf", a term Iran considers unacceptable.

    Reporting by Zahra Hosseinian and Yeganeh Torbati; Editing by Sophie Hares.

    (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2012. Check for restrictions at:?


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    Sunday, September 23, 2012

    Radiohead played Rome last night...

    Radiohead live in Rome ? Live Report

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    Online Marketing Success Requires Focused Effort |

    Saturday, September 22nd, 2012

    Here are 5 ways how not focusing on the ?little? things can easily keep you from being one of those online businesses that experience huge success!

    Tasks Left Undone

    When not staying focused on what you are doing your results in many cases will reflect an incomplete task left to clutter up your busy work schedule on another day. Most successful online businesses get that way through the consistent completion of any tasks or functions no matter how big or small they may be! Much like an assembly line once one job is finished attention is then turned to the next!

    Lack of Quality Effort

    Even when fully completing a job, when your are not paying close attention to what you are doing your results usually will not be of the highest quality! Of course when you add all these results up it is not reasonable to expect the great successes others are experiencing. As

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    Saturday, September 22, 2012

    Josh Kerr and Adriano de Souza surf their way into Round 4 at 2012 ...

    Josh Kerr and Adriano de Souza surf their way into Round 4 at 2012 Hurley Pro

    Australia?s Josh Kerr and Brazil?s Adriano de Souza continued their impressive run of form at the Lower Trestles in California, America, on Wednesday, September, nailing yet another victory in their respective Round 3 heats at the 2012 Hurley Pro, stop No. 6 of 10 on the 2012 Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP) World Championship Tour, to comfortably advance to the fourth round.

    Kerr defeated his fellow countryperson Bede Durbidge to secure his place in the next round while bringing the competition to a premature end for his rival.

    The 10th heat saw South Africa?s Travis Logie failing to keep De Souza from walking away with the win despite putting on a remarkable fight, getting eliminated from the latest elite tour event as a result.

    The four-to-six foot glassy waves on offer at the iconic event site promised a heavy dose of enthralling surfing action as the top surfers from around the globe continued to take each other on in exciting one-on-one battles for survival.

    Pitted against Durbidge in the ninth heat, Kerr wasted absolutely no time to stamp his authority over his rival. Locking a juicy wave in the opening minutes of the heat, an energetic Kerr unloaded a series of exquisite tricks to earn an average of 7.60 points from the judges. After a long and determined hunt, he eventually added an additional 5.93 points to his account, thus reaching a heat-total of 13.53 points.

    Durbidge struggled to find his rhythm during the course of the bout and eventually had to settle for a two-wave total of 9.67 points, which comprised of a 5.17 and 4.50-point ride. As a result, he was forced to concede victory to his rival.

    The 10th heat featured a much-more intense affair with both De Souza and Logie keeping each other on the toes until the very last minute.

    The Brazilian powerhouse collected a 7.87 off his first business-wave early in the heat and went on to back it up with an excellent 9.33-point ride.

    Logie was nothing short of impressive during the thrilling heat either and managed to respond with a 6.50 and 9.27-point ride. However, the effort eventually proved to be insufficient, leaving him in a 1.43-point deficit and consequently leading to his elimination from the competition.


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    Evergreen Debuts Bay Hill During Open House | RV Business

    Middlebury, Ind.-based EverGreen Recreational Vehicles, LLC is premiering its 2013 Bay Hill fifth-wheel during this week?s Elkhart County RV Open House. According to a press release, the new line will be shown at the company?s display hear the entrance to the RV/MH Hall of Fame in Elkhart.

    EverGreen has five floorplans currently slated for production of the modified mid-profile Bay Hill fifth-wheel, including coaches with slideout lounges or kitchens, rear lounges, large bathrooms, dual bathrooms, private bedrooms, kitchen islands and a large living area.

    The fifth-wheel is built with a metallic fiberglass exterior and painted gel coated fiberglass front cap accented by an exclusive Bay Hill graphics package and bright, automotive aluminum wheels. Other exterior details include LED front cap docking lights for improved visibility, slam latch baggage doors, monster-sized pass-through storage, tinted windows, exterior speakers, electric awnings and a six-point auto level-up system.

    The interior of Bay Hill features an LED lighting package, screwed-and-glued cabinetry, big screen television, fireplace with heater, designer glass and comfortable innerspring residential style furniture with optional leather. Bay Hill?s kitchen has a stainless steel double-door refrigerator, stainless steel microwave and sink, no-slam kitchen drawer guides and Corian countertops.

    The bedroom is based around an 80-inch queen-size bed with bullet reading lights, power equipped night stands, TV jack with LCD bracket and spa-inspired wardrobe doors. The bathroom features a walk-in shower with glass doors, skylight over the shower or tub, recessed vanity light, hand sprayer and power exhaust fan.

    Options include a stainless steel dishwasher, 12-cubic-foot refrigerator, dual paned windows, a second 13,500 Btu A/C unit, Trailair hitch, vacuum, booth dinette, king-size bed and rolling galley island.

    ?EverGreen has built quality fifth wheels for years, starting with our popular Ever-Lite and i-Go brands,? said EverGreen Vice President of Sales and Marketing Doug Lantz. ?The tradition of quality design and attention to interior and exterior detail continues with the all-new Bay Hill fifth wheel line. Dealers will get an exclusive ?first look? at this exciting new product ? with the design features that consumers and dealers have been asking for ? when the 2013 Bay Hill debuts at EverGreen?s open house.?

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    Tuesday, September 18, 2012

    Kinesiology chair fights rare form of leukemia | Cancer Kick

    When Dr. Shane Frehlich, chair of the Kinesiology Department at CSUN, was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia in May, he thought it was a mistake.

    Frehlich thought leukemia was a genetic disease, and as a man with no family history of the cancer, he didn?t believe the diagnosis. But he was not going to take any chances.

    He and his wife of four years, Dianne, noticed red spots on his skin. He assumed they were just an allergic reaction to something he had eaten or touched. It was not until the spots grew larger that his wife suggested he see a doctor. After visiting three separate dermatologists, he was referred to an oncologist, who specialized in different forms of tumors, and he was given a biopsy.

    ?It was a surreal experience,? Frehlich said. ?I was in denial at first, but after it sunk in, I started shifting my mindset on what I needed to do to beat this disease.?

    Because Frehlich does not have a match within his family nor in the Be the Match registry, which has over 10 million possible stem cell and bone marrow donors, the kinesiology department started a bone marrow drive for him, which was spearheaded by Dr. Doug McLaughlin, physical activity program coordinator. Dr. Konsantinos Dino Vrongistinos, acting chair of the kinesiology department and undergraduate coordinator, is also helping run the drive.

    The drive will be held Tuesday from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Redwood Hall with staff members present from the Duarte City of Hope hospital, which runs the Be the Match Registry for Southern California and the Central Coast.

    ?The drive is a great opportunity for people to learn about the Be the Match registry,? Vrongistinos said. ?Most donors end up being college students or recent graduates. We hope to increase the chances of people having matches on the registry.?

    Leukemia, a broad term for cancer that affects the soft, spongy marrow in certain bones and the production of white blood cells, affects about 300,000 men and women in the U.S.

    Frehlich was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, a relatively rare form of blood cancer where abnormal white blood cells are rapidly produced.

    Spots on skin are usually signs of late-stage cancer, but as Frehlich puts it, his case is backwards.

    ?There?s nothing in my marrow. It was just on the skin so my case is a lot more rare,? he said. ?I?m hoping this rarity could be a good thing.?

    Before Frehlich was diagnosed, he was on paternity leave. On Jan. 25, Dianne gave birth to twin boys, Max and Miles, but they were three months premature and had to stay in the hospital for a few months.

    ?It?s been a hard year for us. The babies came home not long before Shane was diagnosed,? Dianne said. ?But they were so strong in the hospital, and that gives me hope that Shane will pull through this.?

    In June, Frehlich went on medical leave to start chemotherapy at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center. His doctor recommended four rounds of chemotherapy. Each round is a month-long process.

    Frehlich endures the chemotherapy treatment for one week and then he goes through three weeks of recovery at the hospital. He must stay in a sterile environment because the treatment devastates a patient?s immune system. He can then return home, for two to three weeks, to be with his family before he has to go back to the hospital for his next round.

    ?My family has been my motivation to keep going and get back to them,? he said.

    While he was recovering from his most recent session, he had an encounter with two individuals: a 20-year-old Latino named Angel and a 20-year-old African American named Tyrone.

    Angel had recently run a marathon and had stopped by the ward to say hello to the staff. He had been lucky enough to receive a stem cell donation from a match found in the registry.

    As for Tyrone, the first and last time Frehlich had seen Tyrone he was frail and could barely walk. Frehlich saw him out in the hall trying to walk around the ward. Frehlich offered to walk with him. He learned that Tyrone was still waiting for a stem cell match on the registry. The next day, Tyrone?s ward had been cleaned out and nurses would not tell Frehlich what happened.

    ?Although these two young men intersected with my life for only the briefest of moments,? he said in a letter to his department Sept. 13. ?I think about Angel and Tyrone often. Their lives illustrate just how important the registry is. Unfortunately, for patients like Angel and Tyrone, there are nowhere near as many donors as there are for Caucasian patients.?

    About 90 percent of Caucasians can find a match within the registry while only 20 percent of Asians, African Americans, Native Americans and mixed races are represented in the registry, according to Joyce Valdez, Community Outreach Specialist at City of Hope hospital.

    Valdez will be part of the bone marrow drive Sept. 18, and will provide information on the registry, as well as forms for participants to fill out.

    ?The people at City of Hope are great,? said Vrognistinos. ?They?re really passionate about their work. We hope a lot of people will benefit from the drive.?

    The bone marrow drive doesn?t require any blood donations, but rather participants will be given a small self-swab kit where they will rub a cotton swab against the inside of their cheeks and then place them in a sterile vile. The swab is used to gather tissue samples within the cheeks that may show if participants are a match for Frehlich or any of the thousands of patients waiting for donors.

    Frehlich goes in for his third round of chemotherapy in about a week and his last is scheduled for sometime in early to mid-December.

    ?Everyone here at the department loves working with Shane,? Vrongistinos said. ?We hope we can have him back during the spring semester.?


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