Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Signs of impending death Every caregiver should know

One of caregivers? biggest fears is that the care-receiver will die on their shift. Most people have never watched someone die.

It doesn?t always happen the way it is portrayed in the movies.

Every death is unique. How your loved-one enters the dying phase will depend on a lot of variables. Even though there is not a specific sequence of events, there will be noticeable changes to be aware of.

Here are a few:

1. Increased sleeping usually occurs in the days or hours before death. With the approach of death not be able to wake up from a coma-like state care-receiver.

2nd The care-receiver gradually eat or drink in the intake. Try not to food or water to force your loved one. This could lead to smother it. If you're thirsty, you can swallow but can not wet the lips with ice.

3rd The removal of the body of the care recipient is no longer the rule. Diuresis as the kidneys from falling.

4thAnother sign is the strength of the heartbeat fade. Towards the end you may not be able to feel the pulse of the arms or legs. The pulse can race as the heart tries to overcome the accumulation of fluid in the lungs. The blood pressure may begin to fall. End of the care recipient may be cold on.

5th Irregular breathing patterns can be a part of the dying process. Dyspnea and shortness of breath is working. Apnea is a breathing period of between one and60 seconds.
Cheyne-Stokes breathing is a rhythmic waxing and waning of breathing, with periods of apnea can substitute. In later stages, the "death rattle" can be heard. This is when the mucus collects in the back of the throat and makes its own sound.

6th Since the ability to take oxygen, care receiver can be confusing and decreased attention. Restlessness may occur, too. The care-recipient can choose his / her clothing or bedLinen. He / she may struggle to be comfortable.

7th Fever is often the end, as the body tries to fight the mega-infections.

8th The vision of the care recipient can dim or blurred. It seems, however, heard one of the last ones to go under.

9th The dying person can cry a cry at the time of death. This will communicate through a convulsion in the physical box to vote rather than an attempt will be caused. When a loved one is dead, there is a heartbeat orBreathing. The eyelids are slightly open and his / her eyes are looking straight ahead. The jaw can relax and lose weight easily opened. Immediately after his death, his / her skin will glow lose.

Watching someone die is an unusual and emotionally painful.

Yet many people also report a profound experience, one wonders.


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Camping Out Is An Economical Method Of Getting The Most Out Of ...

Water skiing is a good pursuit to try while you are upon the shore or in a lakeside location. Anyone can learn to water ski despite the fact that discover mastering the basics associated with balancing upon water surface really challenging. Since water skiing is undoubtedly a preferred outdoor activity, a number of beach and additionally lakeside family vacation areas include amenities that provide for learners. Shopping for or maybe hiring equipment and hiring a boat and / or having lessons could be a tad costly and also charges quickly increase. A tremendous means of lowering the price may be to camp out, either rough camping or at an established site. There certainly is the initial outlay for your gear, nonetheless by carefully picking you actually may well make use of it for additional purposes .

Not long ago i bought a brand new Big Agnes tent. Initially My spouse and i considered the Big Agnes Seedhouse assortment but ultimately opted for the three person Copper Spur ul3 from the award winning Copper Spur choice of tents which also includes the four person Copper Spur UL4. These ultra light tents are amazingly light and so are consequently easily divided up between a number of family members for backpacking excursions.

For any recreation or physical activity preparation is actually important to have the full fun from it also to complete it safely not to mention without incident. Let?s look in even more detail at water skiing as an illustration.

Firstly psychological preparation, whether you?re learning how to fire eat as I did previously, walk across burning hot coals or else water ski, you must ready your mind for the job. Ensure you inhale slowly as well as deeply. Be very clear about what you are doing due to the fact if you?re ill-prepared, you might panic and tend to forget the guidance. Take into account that in many activities there exists a point of no return, as an example when in position at the rear of the vessel, it really is hard to communicate that you simply want to back out. The sounds from the boat?s motor may make conversing difficult not to mention having a panic attack may result in more complications. If you?re in just about any uncertainty, make certain you share this info together with your travel companions or coach and so agree a sign to show you don?t really feel in the position to go ahead.

Putting on a wet suit may seem un-necessary if it?s a sunny day, try not to ignore the speed at which being in the water plus the wind chill on a drenched human body will cool an individual down, taking a chance on a hazardous the ability to make rational decisions and additionally hypothermia. A wet suit thus remains essential. They may be rented and for somebody that may be a frequent water sports hobbyist purchasing one is a clear possibility. Still, rental generally is a more sensible choice for youths who will be still growing as they quite simply may well not get as much use from a purchased suit, except in cases where there is a sibling it can be passed on to.

Even though a wet suit can make you a lot more buoyant and make sure that you float, (that is one reason all scuba divers don a weight belt), in case you are other than conscious that could mean floating with their face down. Wearing a life jacket is therefore fundamental and as I?m sure I have explained, it does not matter whether you are a very good swimmer or not! Some life vests tend to be more suitable than others, if getting your very own, consider one described as being high-impact. Keep in mind, a life jacket is important for a water skiing and many other aquatic sports.

Finally, remember to take into account the elements. For basic safety always ski in broad daylight, never skiing at night or in the event the conditions are foggy or simply misty as the poor visibility places you and also others at significant risk. Listen to the weather conditions forecast, check the tide tables and monitor or take local information concerning the quantity of vessel traffic at a particular position before choosing it for skiing.


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Trials in Chinese monk self-immolation death (AP)

BEIJING ? The first of three Tibetan Buddhist monks charged with murder in western China has gone on trial over the self-immolation death of a colleague.

A clerk surnamed Zhou with the Maerkang County People's Court in Sichuan province's Aba prefecture says one monk went on trial on Monday and two more will follow on Tuesday.

The March 16 death of 16-year-old Rigzin Phuntsog was described as a political protest against Chinese policies toward Tibetan Buddhists and provoked a standoff between security forces and monks.

Two of the monks are accused of plotting, instigating and assisting in the incident. The third is accused of moving and hiding the injured monk and preventing him from receiving emergency treatment for 11 hours.


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Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Click Here to Get Your Ex Back!


Article by Stacey Kumagai


Aniston-Pitt. Richards-Sheen. Simpson-Lachey. Romijn-Stamos. Hollywood is buzzing with divorce in the headlines, and while the world gawks at the ?news,? one vital thing is missing?. HEALTH ADVICE for the over-stressed women of divorce who have even more stress if they are going through their divorce in the Hollywood spotlight. Emotional, mental/psychological, spiritual, physical and sexual health. Author, Amy Botwinick, Author of ?CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR DIVORCE: The Road To Finding Your Happily Ever After? is pro-actively gathering a collective network of health professionals together to help share the message about the effects divorce can have on the mind, body and spirit. From promoting vibrators via her website; to her book and the long list of resources and information at, Botwinick?s mission of benefiting women?s shelters with the proceeds from book and product sales, while generating constant messages about health, safety and well-being is her own journey, as a divorced woman helping women. Dr. Joan Torgersen Magill, Licensed Psychologist/Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist/Certified Sport Psychologist describes Botwinick?s book as ?essential? for women considering or going through a divorce. ?As a stress management specialist, this clinician endorses her writings for the stress reduction possibilities, alone, though there is much else here, as well,? states Magill.

Botwinick explains how women going through divorce, like Jessica Simpson can benefit from stress reduction. ?Stress is a by product of a primitive instinct called ?fight or flight? that helped us escape dangerous situations during our prehistoric past. Women of divorce can range from young brides like Simpson, to women who have been married for years and into their fifties ? divorce does not differentiate by age or celebrity, especially when it comes to stress, effects on health and safety. I?m here to share information. If I had just five minutes with Jessica Simpson, I would tell her about sexual safety and stress, first and foremost. She has a stressful profession ? and particularly with her and Lachey going through their divorce in the ?Hollywood spotlight? ? added stress. If the level of stress created over a prolonged period of time is ignored, it can cause life threatening illness and symptoms that can create considerable consequences mentally and physically. In terms of sex ? we all commended Simpson for being a virgin when she got married, but not being married anymore doesn?t mean she has to deny her God-given sexual urges. That?s why vibrators are a safe-sex alternative, when emotionally healing during a divorce.?

While the message of safe sex is NOT a new one, it may be a message worth re-exploring for women of divorce, who have been in monogamous relationships with their spouse. ?As the divorced woman re-enters the dating scene, it is essential to realize that along with the excitement and pleasure found in a new relationship, there are potential dangers that accompany physical intimacy. There are roughly 70 million people infected with one of 25 sexually transmitted diseases. These diseases do not discriminate based upon age or marital status. However, transmission is almost always preventable. Be smart, be safe, and do not be afraid to consult your gynecologist for any questions regarding STD prevention,? states Dr. David Lubetkin, who is an OBGYN. Botwinick as a divorced woman and as a chiropractor for twelve years, says she?s discovered many wonderful conventional and unconventional ways to heal on all levels. ?I have treated many chiropractic patients with physical symptoms resulting from stress resulting from divorce. Patient complaints included tension headaches, migraines, back pain, muscle tightness, TMJ, upset stomach, nervous twitches and more.. As a primary health care provider I believe every patient should have a team of traditional and alternative healing professionals available to them along their journey, especially as they transition through the uncoupling process,? states Botwinick.

Botwinick practices what she preaches. She sought out the help of Dr. Brian Sheen, Executive Director of The Quantum Healing Center, Delray Beach Florida ( for her own wellness and divorce recovery. ?Divorce is powerful time for personal reassessment to look within for healing and growth. Unless a deep search of the underlying issues that brought you into the relationship and then out of it are undertaken with professional direction, the chances are there will be piles of blame, regret and resentment that will distort and prevent a healthy relationship in the future,? states Sheen.

This first-time author shares her own journey in a helpful girlfriend-to-girlfriend conversational guide to help women through the divorce process and beyond. Botwinick is currently enjoying her ?happily ever after.? She is a divorced mother of two, and has been a chiropractor for the last twelve years and has held a teaching position at a local college. Her business for over a decade has been about listening, learning and helping others. Amy?s research and writing convey a directness and honesty that comes from personal experience. There are over two million divorces in the U.S. each year. Cinderella?s prince charming has either turned into a toad or run off with Sleeping Beauty. Left in the pixie dust are millions of women looking in the mirror each morning wondering, now what? CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR DIVORCE: The Road to Finding Your Happily Ever After (Health Communications, Inc.; December 2005; .95) by Amy Botwinick explores all facets of divorce: from making the decision, surviving the legal battles and getting on with life. Through the author?s own experiences and those of other women, CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR DIVORCE prepares readers for the road ahead: how to get through the business of divorce with humor and aplomb, get beyond the bitterness and on to a healthy, happy life.

This is not another dry book about the process of divorce from a lawyer or psychologist. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR DIVORCE is fun and uplifting and for women only. The author shares her own struggles, emotional foibles and stories from others, to help the reader through her own emotions. A special section on the male perspective opens the door to the workings of the male mind, helping readers find some common ground with their ex or soon-to-be ex, making an easier transition to ?uncoupling.?

Sections of the book include: Making peace with your decision, taking stock of the financial situation, dealing with reactions from family and friends, the legal three-ring circus, forgiving and letting go, dating and new relationships, and telling and helping the children.

CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR DIVORCE is a breath of fresh air that helps the reader transform her feelings of being trapped to feelings of empowerment. It describes the world of divorce?warts and all?with some much-needed comic relief and heart. The reader will realize she?s not alone as she learns how other women have coped with the emotional craziness of uncoupling, jettisoned their emotional baggage, and gotten back on the road to defining and finding their happily ever after.

About the Author

Stacey Kumagai is President of Media Monster Communications, Inc./BrainGASM Productions Entertainment Media, a full-service media relations, promotions, business development, special event production and creative consulting firm in Los Angeles.


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Science-Art Scumble #23

Welcome to this week?s Science-art Scumble!

Evicted ? Heather Ward

Before this year?s headline-making hurricane and earthquake, there have been some of the worst New Mexico wildfires in that state?s history. ?Heather Ward, one of my favourite nature and wildlife artists documented her own flight and feelings of family by creating the beautiful and ominous drawing above. It?s my selected image of the Scumble.
You can find ?more of Heather?s work in the following places:
Heather Ward Wildlife Art ? Portfolio

Heather Ward Wildlife Art ? Blog

Heather Ward on Fine Art America (prints of the art above are on sale)

Heather Ward on RedBubble (pick which month a calendar of her art starts in)

Facebook Fan Page
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And now for this week?s links!

What are some of the most important, iconic and/or beautiful scientific images? ? Quora. You can add your own! ?Pity there aren?t more illustrations. [Hat tip to Jerry Coyne for the link!]

The Tempests of Ivan Aivasovsky ? lines and colors. More bad weather.

Thrifty Thursday: Insect Wings on a Cheap Scanner ? Compound Eye.

Depth Perception ? xkcd. I love it when Monroe busts out his art skillz as a backdrop for his?expressive?stick people to move around in.

Future Foundation Mr. Fantastic ? StanlyDan. ?Fanart of Marvel Comic?s thinking superhero?s superhero. Cute!

Shoehorning Science into Art - John Hawks Weblog. Excellent point and I couldn?t agree more.

On the Origin of Species ? gremz/Alan Kennedy. ?Stunning retro-style image with muted colours. Would make an awesome book cover.

Greg Dunn?s Golden Neurons ? Bioephemera

Binary Brain ? Artologica/Michele Banks

Femke Hiemstra ? lines and colors. ?Amazing colours and personality in these illustrated animals.

Philosofossilising: Scientific Accuracy In Art ? Craig Dylke, Art Evolved. what starts out as a brief post turns into a discussion about dinosaur feathers, cgi budgets and art technique invading science imagery. ?Read those comments! And it continues here!

Charles Knight Neandertals ? John Hawks Weblog.

The Fish Stands for Surrealism ? The Flying Trilobite.

(no title) ? Saturday morning Breakfast Cereal. One of my favourite webcomics does the ol? ?who?s on first?routine, with a chemistry flavour.

An Embarrassment of Starches ? Sci-?nce

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Scumble: ??A painting technique in which semi-opaque or thin opaque colors are loosely brushed over an underpainted area so that patches of the color beneath show through.?
From? The Artist?s Handbook, by Ray Smith.

This began as a?series of posts on my personal blog, The Flying Trilobite, as a way to brush highlights over the tremendous amount of science-based art that?s out there. I can?t begin to cover it all, so here?s a scumble over some recent posts that I found interesting, provocative, or otherwise caught my eye from the? Science Artists Feed, and other sources.

Science-art is becoming an increasingly popular form of science communication and entertainment. Drawing from fine art, laboratory work, scientific illustration, concept art and more, watch how artists spread scientific literacy and play with the inspiring concepts in science. ?Doing the Scumble posts, I hope to connect artists with each other, and expose their work to a wider audience. ?Remember, a lot of these artists are available for commissions and have online shops for original art and reproductions. ?Why not put some art on your wall that means something more than ?weird for the sake of weird??

Put your feet up, make yourself a cup o? joe and enjoy the science-art on the links above. ?You?ll notice that I?ve flipped the format of the Scumble. ?Kalliopi suggested it, both so the blurb on our homepage doesn?t always read the same way, and I like it for the featured artwork being front and center. Thanks Kalliopi!

Click here for recent Scumbles and ?here for even earlier Scumbles.


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8 dead as typhoon slams northern Philippines (AP)

MANILA, Philippines ? Slow-moving Typhoon Nanmadol remained dangerous Sunday despite weakening as it struck the tip of the mountainous northern Philippines, leaving at least eight people dead and scuttling a visit by a U.S. Navy battleship group, officials said.

Taiwan issued sea and land warnings and planned to evacuate about 3,700 people in its eastern and southern regions as it braced for the typhoon. Troops and rescue equipment have been deployed in advance for any contingency, Taiwan's Defense Ministry said.

With its enormous cloud band, the typhoon drenched northern provinces with rains for days before pummeling them with fierce winds, setting off landslides and floods and knocking down walls that left at least eight people dead and six more missing, said Benito Ramos, who heads the Office of Civil Defense.

Strong winds knocked down a concrete wall, which hit a small eatery in the capital's suburban Quezon City Sunday, killing a man and injuring two others in the latest casualties of the typhoon, police said.

In the northern mountain resort city of Baguio, a garbage dump's concrete wall collapsed and buried three shanties under tons of garbage Saturday, killing two children. Their grandmother remained missing, Ramos said.

Five others perished in landslides or drowned, including a fisherman, whose body was found floating Saturday off eastern Catanduanes province after he went missing late last week. A decision by many villagers to flee to safety before the typhoon struck and vigilance helped reduced the number of casualties, Ramos said.

A bus driver ordered his 18 passengers to rapidly alight after sensing the soggy mountain road they were on was about to collapse late Saturday in northern Benguet province. After they ran to safety, the road collapsed with the bus down a deep ravine, said regional disaster-response official Olive Luces said.

"The driver's presence of mind prevented a disaster," Luces said.

About 20 landslides cut off access to a number of Benguet towns, she said.

U.S. officials postponed a Manila visit by the U.S. Navy's John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group, originally scheduled for this weekend, due to the bad weather.

The U.S. Embassy said all tours of the aircraft carrier, as well as the reception on board, had been canceled.

Domestic airlines also canceled more than a dozen flights to areas affected by the typhoon in the northern and central Philippines.

Nanmadol had sustained wind of 121 miles (195 kilometers) per hour and gusts of 143 mph (230 kph) Friday, becoming the strongest typhoon to hit the Philippines so far this year. It weakened after grazing northern Cagayan province Saturday. It would skirt the northernmost Batanes islands with 75 mph (120 kph) winds Sunday before starting to blow away from the country, Philippine government forecasters said.

Nanmadol was expected to hit Taiwan as early as Monday, Taiwan's central weather bureau said.


Associated Press writers Oliver Teves in Manila and Debby Wu in Taipei contributed to this report.


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Monday, August 29, 2011

Developing Nuclear Power Plant Tech For the Moon and Mars

With his first accepted Slashdot submission, Zandamesh sends this excerpt from ZDNet: "On earth, nuclear reactors are under attack because of concerns over damage caused by natural disasters. In space, however, nuclear technology may get a new lease on life. Plans for the first nuclear power plant for the production of electricity to be used by manned or unmanned bases on the Moon, Mars and other planets have been unveiled at the 242nd National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society. 'The reactor itself may be about 1 ? feet wide by 2 ? feet high, about the size of a carry-on suitcase. There are no cooling towers. ... The team is scheduled to build a technology demonstration unit in 2012."


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Andrea Hurst & Associates Literary Management ...

By: Andrea Hurst

With a publishing industry that is ever in flux, it can be hard for an aspiring author to figure out what information is relevant and what she needs to do to be successful. Recognizing this, literary agent Andrea Hurst and writer and blogger Katie Flanagan present a series of weekly interviews with publishing industry specialists. The AUTHORNOMICS Series features literary agents, editors, authors, marketing experts and more talking about their opinions on the publishing industry, writing, and what a writer needs to know.

If you have questions for upcoming guests on the AUTHORNOMICS Interview Series, email them to

Interview with Stephanie Chandler, Founder of Authority Publishing

Stephanie Chandler is the author of several books including Booked Up! How to Write, Publish, and Promote a Book to Grow Your Business, LEAP! 101 Ways to Grow Your Business, From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money with Books, eBooks and Information Products, and The Author?s Guide to Building an Online Platform: Leveraging the Internet to Sell More Books. Stephanie is also founder and CEO of, which specializes in custom publishing for non-fiction books, and, a directory of resources for entrepreneurs. A frequent speaker at business events and on the radio, she has been featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, BusinessWeek,, Wired magazine, and many other media outlets. For author and speaker details, visit Twitter:

There is less than a month to enter the AUTHORNOMICS Interview Series End-of-Summer Contest! Don?t miss out on our great prizes!

1. As an author of several books on getting published and book marketing, what do you think is the most important thing for an aspiring author to know?

Marketing is essential, whether you publish your book yourself or go through a traditional publisher. It shouldn?t be a one-time effort or wait until your book is released. Book marketing is an ongoing task that should begin BEFORE your book is in print, and something you should tackle every single day. I recommend doing three to five things each day to promote your work. That might include writing a blog post, sharing on social media, pitching a media source, conducting an interview, giving a speaking engagement, writing a guest post for another blog, and so on. If you do three to five things each day, you will have no choice but to find success!

2. You are an expert on entrepreneurship as well as publishing. Are there any similarities you can speak to?

Absolutely?every author is an entrepreneur, and authors that understand this will do much better in the long run. When you treat your book like a business, you give it the professional attention it deserves. You should develop a marketing plan, execute that plan and take your business seriously. Entrepreneurs face the same challenges. Without marketing, a business cannot thrive.

3. Social media presence has become vitally important for authors.? In your book The Authors Guide to Building an Online Platform, you address this topic.? What is the best place for a writer to begin building their online platform?

I firmly believe that every author needs a blog. This is your home base where you can share information and stories and connect with your audience. Also, the more often you blog, the more traffic you will attract from Google. Google likes websites with fresh content so update your blog a minimum of twice each week and over time you will see your traffic increase.

After your blog is up and running, begin to pursue social media. Create a Fan Page on Facebook. Start by sharing the title and excerpt from your latest blog post along with a link back to your site. This will also help you drive more traffic to your site. Do the same with Twitter. And if you have a professional or business audience, be sure to get active with LinkedIn too.

4. What is the best way to increase followers on a blog? Facebook? Twitter?

Produce really great content on a regular basis?content that appeals to your target audience. For example, if you?re an author of a novel set in the south, you might write about southern traditions, share recipes, related short stories, etc. If you?re an author of a book about weight loss, share weight loss success tips. When your audience likes what you have to say, they will pay attention?and share with their friends.

Also, be sure to engage with your readers. If someone leaves a comment on your blog, respond to it publicly. Engage with people on your Facebook page and on Twitter. Though you should share information as much as possible, be sure to let your audience know that you?re accessible and you?re paying attention to them. Be consistent with your efforts and over time your audience will grow.

5. Your strong blog and social media presence has brought your many speaking and publishing opportunities.? Can you tell us some of the many ways a blog can help build a writing career?

My blog has brought me countless opportunities for speaking, consulting clients, paid blogging, and even corporate sponsorships. Think of your blog as a showcase for your talents and knowledge. Be funny, informative, controversial or interesting. Pay attention to which posts people like most, and which posts fall flat. Over time, you will generate more comments and see more sharing of your content on social media, which will give you a good way to gauge what people enjoy.

6. What are information products and how can an author use them effectively?

Information products come in many forms: ebooks, special reports, white papers, workbooks, audio recordings, videos, booklets, and any other way that you can compile information. An information product teaches users how to do something. You can use it as a marketing tool (for example, give an ebook away to newsletter subscribers) or sell it for profit.

If you want to create info products to generate revenues, develop unique products that are hard to find elsewhere. For example, when my son was an infant, he had food allergies. One night I was surfing the web for a list of dairy-free products. I came across a nutrition website that sold a downloadable Excel spreadsheet that was exactly what I was looking for. I happily got out my credit card and paid $30.

For authors, you might create a companion workbook that can be sold either as a digital download in PDF format or in hard copy?which makes a nice bundle for back of the room sales if you?re also a speaker. You might conduct a teleclass series for several weeks, charge admission to the class, and then sell the recordings after the class is over. There are many, many ways to generate income with information!

7. With the many changes that are happening in the publishing industry, where do you see the role of authors, agents, and editors going?

If you want a traditional publishing contract, then having an agent is essential. However, it?s no secret that it?s harder than ever to get a book deal. If I were an agent, I would shift my business model to teaching about writing and publishing. There?s money to be made from consulting, online classes, editing, ghostwriting, and anything related to author development.

8. What was your inspiration for starting Authority publishing? What do you see as the benefits for going the custom publishing route?

I self-published my first book, which led to several traditional book contracts. Because I was so busy and didn?t want to deal with all the details of self-publishing, I hired a custom publisher. It made it easy to get my manuscript into print in a professional way.

For years I was a marketing consultant, and then three years ago it occurred to me that I could help others do what I did. And so Authority Publishing was born. I wanted to provide high-quality custom publishing services. While there are many ?big box? publishing services out there, it was clear their only advantage was offering a low-cost solution. I?ve heard from countless authors who were dissatisfied with the outcome of their books. Their cover designs were lousy, editing was sub-par, and that low-cost deal actually left them with a garage full of over-priced books.

Our approach is different. We cost a little more up front, but we do exceptional work. We don?t outsource overseas, use inexperienced editors, use templates, or cookie cutter solutions. Each author gets personalized service (no call center!), award-winning design and professional editing. These are important elements for setting a book up for success.

9. How do you weigh in on the importance of a physical book and an ebook version?

These days I believe that the majority books should be in print AND ebook formats. If you skip one, you miss out on a big piece of the market.

10. Do you have any new projects or events you would like to tell us about?

I?m currently writing a new marketing book for business that should be out in early 2012. I also recently began selling lists of internet radio shows. One of my all-time favorite book marketing strategies is to be a guest on internet radio programs because they often feature guests for 15 minutes up to a full hour, promote you online, and archive interviews online for added exposure. Though you can purchase traditional media lists online, there wasn?t a source for internet radio?and so I decided to create one! If this medium appeals to you, you can save 50% off with this discount code: save50

Details here:

For any non-fiction authors interested in custom book and ebook publishing, please visit

Thanks very much for inviting me to participate in this series!

Andrea Hurst has over 25 years experience as a published author, developmental editor for publishers, and skilled literary agent. She?works with both major and regional publishing houses, and her client list includes emerging new voices and New York Times best-selling authors. Andrea represents high profile Adult Nonfiction and well crafted fiction. Her clients and their books have appeared on the Oprah Show, Ellen DeGeneres Show, Good Morning America, National Geographic network and in the New York Times.

Katie Flanagan is a fiction major at Northwestern University. She is currently an editor with Booktrope and a reader for Pink Fish Press. In the past, she has interned with Andrea Hurst Literary Management and the Northwest Institute of Literary Arts. Her favorite genre is women?s fiction, but she reads any fiction put in front of her. Check out her blog about the writing life at? and follow her on Twitter at @K_Flanagan.

The winner of Brian McDonald?s books is Monya Baker! Don?t forget to check out our end-of-summer contest!



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> Investment > Car Finance A low credit score ? Getting a Auto loan With A low credit score

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You can also fly around or look around at everything up close. Once you have your design just the way you want it, you?re ready to build. Easily calculate square footage, costs, and material requirements in a familiar spreadsheet format with the built-in project cost estimator and start building today. kitchens, bathrooms, remodels, appliances, lighting, cabinets & more. Design & visualize in 2d and 3d,enhance your home value,no experience necessary,kitchens, bathrooms, remodels, appliances, lighting, cabinets & more. everything you need to design your kitchen or bath quickly design realistic 3d models of your kitchen or bathroom projectith no experience necessary. Create the perfect kitchen or bath exactly how you dreamed it would be.

List Price: $ 27.88

Price: $ 13.49

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Verizon Communications Announced Acquisition of Cloudswitch : voip ...

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Grandstream Networks Introduced New Series of IP Multimedia Phones
Grandstream Networks has recently introduced a new series of IP multimedia phones designed specifically for SMBs at the lowest price rate ever. The new GP1100/1105 series of HD IP phones from Grandstream? ?

Cetis Announced Interoperability of Its IP Phones with Matrix IP PBXs
Cetis Has officially stated that its Teledex and TeleMatrix IP Phones are fully interoperable with Matrix Comsec?s line of hospitality IP-PBXs. Now Matrix can offer hoteliers more user terminal alternatives? ?

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Matrix Comsec Announces Interoperability of Cetis IP-Phones with its Hospitality IP-PBXs
As part of the strategic focus on Hospitality segment for telephony solution, Matrix Comsec, announces interoperability of Cetis make Teledex and TeleMatrix IP-Phones with its range of hospitality IP-PBXs.? ?

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26 August 2011

Verizon Communications has announced the acquisition of CloudSwitch, a cloud software provider.
According to Verizon, the acquisition of CloudSwitch will empower Verizon to help company?s business consumers move into the cloud via combining its software with the Terremark IT subsidiary that was acquired earlier.
Now Verizon will be able to unite CloudSwitch's capabilities to various cloud implementations (private-to-public, public-to-public and hybrid) with Terremark's IT and security capabilities.
Financial details of the deal were not revealed.
This acquisition of CloudSwitch represents a trend where service providers intend to acquire cloud service companies in order to increase business revenues.
Verizon reported that company?s business revenues in Q2 received a direct growth from cloud services: the acquisition of Terremark added $98 million in revenue, the company claimed.

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Buffett investing $5 billion in Bank of America

Struggling Bank of America is getting a $5 billion shot in the arm from the Oracle of Omaha.

Billionaire Warren Buffett plans to invest in Bank of America by buying 50,000 shares of cumulative perpetual preferred stock with a 6 percent annual dividend, the bank said on Thursday.

The deal proved again that Buffett has become something of a lender of last resort to the financial system, as he did with Goldman Sachs in the 2008 financial crisis. Buffett's role in aiding the economy and the financial system has become symbolically important given the lack of policy options left for the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve to stimulate demand.

"This proves to the market that if the bank needs additional capital, which we don't believe they do, but if they needed to calm the market by raising capital, they could do it within 30 minutes with a quick call to Uncle Warren," said Sean Egan, managing principal of Egan-Jones Ratings.

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Buffett told CNBC that the BofA investment was his idea and came to him while taking a bath earlier this week. Asked why he would invest now, Buffett said BofA's shares "have gone down a lot." An hour after the deal was announced, Buffett had already made a profit on paper of $500 million on the stock warrants thanks to a surge in Bank of America's stock price.

Bank of America can buy back the investment at any time by paying Buffett a 5 percent premium. Berkshire also will get warrants to buy 700 million Bank of America shares at an exercise price of just over $7.14 a share, with the ability to exercise any time in the next 10 years.

Investors have battered Bank of America's stock on fears that the largest U.S. bank by assets has yet to overcome billions of dollars in problem mortgage loans.

In recent weeks, investors have sold shares, worrying that the bank might need to raise outside capital -- as much as $50 billion by some estimates -- to cope with losses and meet new industry capital rules.

Bank of America shares have lost roughly a third of their value in August, and have lost half their value since the beginning of the year.

"Perhaps even more than the capital, the imprimatur of Buffett will build confidence in BofA. This investment will encourage other similar investors, who may have been staying away, to take a closer look," said independent banking analyst Nancy Bush of NAB Research.

Buffett called Bank of America Chief Executive Brian Moynihan this week and offered to make the investment, a Bank of America spokesman said, adding that the deal was negotiated and consummated in a couple of days.

"Bank of America is a strong, well-led company, and I called Brian to tell him I wanted to invest in it," Buffett said in a statement posted on BofA's website. "I am impressed with the profit-generating abilities of this franchise, and that they are acting aggressively to put their challenges behind them. Bank of America is focused on their customers and on serving them well. That's what customers want, and that's the company's strategy."

The $5 billion investment was the same amount that Buffett injected into Goldman Sachs during the financial crisis in September 2008. That deal helped soothe investor anxiety about the banking sector after a week of the worst turmoil Wall Street had seen in decades.

Thursday's news likely stirred memories for shareholders of General Electric Co too.

It was almost three years ago that the largest U.S. conglomerate turned to Buffett for a $3 billion infusion that the famed investor had hashed out with GE Chief Executive Jeff Immelt in an early-morning phone call that the Omaha, Nebraska-based investor took in his bathrobe.

Buffett's investment helped Fairfield, Connecticut-based GE sell another $12 billion in common stock, a critical capital infusion at a time when the overnight debt market that GE had relied heavily on had frozen up, investors said.

Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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Friday, August 26, 2011

thequestionclub: Fish! And pets!

Fish! And pets!
Fish experts! I have been Googling and cannot quite find the answer to this question (just information about the two separate kinds of fish).

Can I keep a Pygmy Gourami with a Honey Gourami, or will their respective aggressions make it a bad idea?

If it's a bad idea, what other smallish aquatic creature do you think I should get to keep with a Honey Gourami and 5 neon tetras?

If you are like most of the population and DGAF about fish, what was your first childhood pet, and did you like it?


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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Three earthquakes in three days. More than coincidence?

First came an earthquake in Colorado. Then Virginia's quake shook the US from South Carolina to New England. Finally, San Francisco had a rattler as well. Are they connected?

Colorado, Virginia, California: three earthquakes across the United States in three days. Aside from the apocalyptic questions some are raising, was this more than an earth-trembling coincidence? Or was there some scientific connection between these three events?

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First there was the magnitude 5.3 earthquake near Trinidad, Colo., the largest earthquake in the state since 1973. Then a magnitude 5.8 quake centered in Mineral, Va., jarred a region from Charleston, S.C. to Boston. Finally, there was a relatively mild 3.6 rattler in the San Francisco area Tuesday night.

What?s going on here?

Experts say that while the Colorado and East Coast earthquakes were unusual, the first one did not trigger the second. Nor did the San Francisco quake have anything to do with the two that preceded it.

?They really are unrelated,? says Meredith Nettles, a seismologist at Columbia University. ?There really is no causal connection.?

?This is pure coincidence,? concurs San Diego State University seismologist Tom Rockwell.

?That?s because small earthquakes don?t change the state of stress very much in the crust of the earth, so the effects will be only local,? he says.

While this week?s earthquakes made news ? with earthquake tremors and hurricane Irene on the way, some people in North Carolina wondered if a plague of locusts was next ? the earth?s shake-rattle-and-roll is going on all around us almost constantly.

In just the past week in the US alone, there were about 700 earthquakes perceptible to detection equipment. And as the US Geological Survey puts it, ?there's a 100 percent chance of an earthquake today? somewhere in the world.


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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Boomer On-Line Dating Myths

Babyboomers According to 2010 U.S. Census data, almost 30 percent of the 78 million Baby Boomers are single.? And in the last year, the number of dating site users 50 years of age or older has grown twice as rapidly as any other age group (comScore).? However, many people over 50 are still unsure about this method of meeting other singles.

Below are the top five ?Myths? and corresponding ?Truths? about online dating for singles over 50 contributed by .

1.?????? Myth: ?Most single people are much younger than me ? it?s much harder to find people my age.??

Truth: The truth is that there are many more potential mates out there than people think.? Every day, thousands of?single Boomers venture online to find companionship.? And unlike the average social event or stroll through the grocery store, everyone in an online dating setting is single and looking to meet someone.??

2.?????? Myth: ?I should wait to join a dating site until I?m ready to get married again.?

Truth: The 50-plus singles polled in a recent national survey tend to be less interested in marriage than they are in companionship and long-term relationships. Helping to relieve the pressure to marry is the fact that singles in this stage of life are generally free of the expectations of child rearing and career advancement. This allows them to approach dating from a more relaxed perspective. Their main objective is simply to live life to the fullest, and to find someone to share the good times with.?

3.?????? Myth: ?Online dating is risky.?

Truth: For singles who meet online or in the real world, keeping a few simple tips in mind will ensure a safe and positive experience.? For starters, always meet in public and drive yourself to and from the first few meetings; tell a friend about your plans for the date; Google your date?s name in advance to see what comes up; limit your drinking and don?t do anything that would impair your judgment; and finally, listen to your instincts.? If something doesn?t feel right, just move on.? The right person for you is out there somewhere.

4.?????? Myth: ?Online dating is expensive and takes a lot of time and energy.?

Truth: Some of its main advantages are that online dating is efficient, convenient and cost-effective. You can take things at your own pace, from the comfort of your home, at any hour of the day or night. This allows you to expand your pool of potential matches and be in control of when, where and how you meet other singles. Membership costs at average less than $5 dollars per week.? That?s less than many people spend on coffee!

Meeting interesting new people and finding a romantic partnership are great ways to support one?s overall health and happiness (read: increase energy!).? A whopping 97 percent of users agree that romantic relationships are good for one?s health. And 93 percent agree that having a romantic relationship is an important part of overall happiness.

5.?????? Myth: ?People will judge me if they know I am dating online.?

Truth: These days, everyone knows someone who met their mate online. ?And the results are often extremely positive: one in five new relationships and one in six new marriages began with an Internet date. In the last year, the number of dating site users 50 years of age or older has grown twice as rapidly as any other age group (comScore). The online dating community has experienced astonishing membership growth?over the last two years.??Your friends and family will be thrilled to learn that you are actively seeking companionship, in a new way that works for you.??


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